Tips And Ideas For Home School Supplies
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Tips And Ideas For Home School Supplies

Published at 03/01/2012 09:44:18


Tips And Ideas For Home School Supplies

Markets everywhere are full of home school supplies. Especially around the end of summer right when it’s time to get back to school. Whether you study at a local school or at home every kid loves having home school supplies ready before the scholastic year begins. This year rather than buying supplies at shops , why not make your own home school supplies.

Step 1

Decide what home school supplies are needed. Which of those can be easily made at home and which would have to be bought ready made from the markets. This step is essential in trying to eliminate any unnecessary purchasing and also making the most of materials and supplies already present at home.

Step 2

Gather together material for making home school supplies. The two main groups of materials needed for making good home school supplies are open fabric and older material from school supplies that can be recycled and in corporate into these newer designs.

Step 3

No set of home school supplies will be complete without a school bag. Making that should be the first priority. It requires the most fabric and the kid probably has most interest in choosing his/her bag. Materials needed are fabric like good pair of old jeans or nice curtain, bed sheet material. Using a pair of scissors cut the fabric using an older bag as a template. Sew together the pieces using a sewing machine. Attach zips or buttons to the top edge.

Step 4

Pencil cases are amongst the most popular and most decorative of home school supplies. Kids can be included in this activity and may choose the fabrics that they want to be used. According to crafts ad arts specialist Martha Stewart, to make a pencil case cut a rectangle piece of felt. Use an embroidery thread and needle to sew up the pieces of felt once folded. Pass the needle from back to front and continue to make such small stitches. Fold over a flap and add a button. Snip a button hole with a pair of scissors and the pencil case is all ready.

Step 5

To ensure the child has proper intellectual growth, the atmosphere for homework is just as important as school work. The easiest home school supplies to make are containers for pencils and books that the child can place on his/her study table. Firstly determine the size of the container that is desired. Make sure it’s large enough to hold a variety of different home school supplies i.e. pencils, crayons, ruler, glue, stapler, ruler etc. Try to use a suitable shaped empty clean soup can or cardboard box. Cover it up with appropriate material using a glue gun. Trim of any excess material. Embellish the box any way that is desired. Make sure the glue dries of completely before placing it on the study table.


Tips And Ideas For Home School Supplies

To get the most of these home school supplies, encourage the kid to take part in the creative process. It’ll be a fun way of encouraging the child to take interest in his/her studies. Also ask the child about what home school supplies he/she feels will be necessary for making the learning experience better and more efficient. And remember to not limit such activities to only the beginning of the year, take as much interest throughout the year with just as much enthusiasm, providing the child with any home school supplies that may be needed.

Sources and Citations

Martha Stewart kids craft corner (official website and TV telecast)
