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Tips And Ideas For Fitness Home Gyms

Published at 03/03/2012 03:09:54


Having access to fitness home gyms can save money. There are a range of benefits. For example, people who enjoy exercising do not have to pay for a traditional gym. Also, fitness home gyms offer convenience. Before making the decision to get a gym, learn tips to make the experience smoother.

Step 1

Use a schedule for your home gym. Some people establish fitness home gyms and never use them. Do not let this happen to you. Once your physician has given you the okay for exercise, make a commitment to use the space regularly. A schedule can help you stay focused and utilize the space. Take a honest review of your schedule. If you work over 60 hours per week and care for two children, you will not exercise four hours daily. Look at a monthly calendar and jot down your required commitments. You can begin slowly and schedule 15 minutes every other day. Later, add more time to your fitness schedule. 

Step 2

Think about the amount of space you have inside your home. Be realistic about your space requirements. Some fitness home gyms require more space than others. You need to perform measurements before considering which equipment to buy. The larger the fitness equipment, the more accurate the measurement required. For example, according to the American Council of Exercise (ACE), a ski machine uses approximately 25 square feet. If you do not measure accurately, you end up purchasing a ski machine that does not fit. It is important to avoid this scenario. Selecting and buying fitness home gyms does take time. 

Step 3

Place motivational items inside your home gym. Some people require motivation to stick with an exercise routine. There are ways to stay focused and reach your goals. You can use the motivational items as a way to stay focused. For example, an older picture of you at the desired weight can help. Each time you see the picture you take extra fitness steps. Make sure you place the picture on a wall facing the fitness equipment. If you plan to use an extended fitness period, you can rotate the pictures. Set a smaller shirt close to your equipment. Seeing the shirt can motivate you, too.

Step 4

Avoid adding too much clutter to fitness home gyms. Clutter makes a space appear unappealing and leads to reduced motivation. Although these spaces can be built in just about any size of home, you do not want the room to become too comfortable. Do not add desk space, extra chairs or couches. You want to keep the room focused and maintain safety. Otherwise, it can become an overcrowded room where the entire family gathers. It is easy for them to come visit and leave items. Explain to your family the importance of only using the gym for exercise. 

Step 5

Enhance the environment with music. Fitness home gyms can become boring without any sound. Moreover, you may not want to exercise as much. Exercising while listening to the music will make your workout feel more appealing. You do not need to go over the gym budget. Use a portable radio and set it inside the gym. You can find many different types of portable radios on the market. Make using fitness home gyms a pleasant experience. 


Always check with your physician about using fitness home gyms. 

Sources and Citations

American Council of Exercise
