Using Water Home Filters Vs Buying Bottled Water
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Using Water Home Filters Vs Buying Bottled Water

Published at 03/06/2012 12:58:34


Using Water Home Filters Vs Buying Bottled Water

Water is a basic necessity for every living being. One of the most important resources, water can be something that can make a big impact on our daily lives. Drinking water is even more important as it affects not only us, but many important things in our life. Not only from a health point of view, but also from a budgeting point of view, water is an integral part of one’s life and that’s not only because of the need for water. One way to obtain drinking water is buying bottled water, and the other way is water home filters. Should one use water home filters or get bottled water has always been a great debate amongst people and there are many pros and cons of both ways to obtain drinking water.


Using Water Home Filters Vs Buying Bottled Water

There are many types of water home filters available in the market. These include extensions that can be attached to the tap and that tab can then provide filtered water. Another way is to get complete home water supply filtered. This is a bit more expensive to install but this can then provide filtered water for the whole house. However, since filtered water is mainly for drinking purposes, getting a complete home filtration plant can be a waste of resources. Bottled water on the other hand, can be available from almost all stores and shops and thus seems more convenient if one is not at home.


Using Water Home Filters Vs Buying Bottled Water

Water home filters are becoming quite common amongst many households because buying bottled water can be a burden on ones budget. Bottled water is more expensive and it not only affects one person, but as the plastic bottles are meant to be used only once, the water bottles cannot be reused and new bottles have to be brought every time. This means that the environment is also threatened by the continuous use of plastic bottled water. Filters offer one a way to not spend money on packaged water and instead get one reusable bottle and refill it multiple times. The cost is nominal and is thus a great way to save up your cash. Also, with reusable bottles, filtered water can become as convenient as bottled water and can be a great alternative to bottled water. Another thing about filtered water is that at least one can be certain that the filtration is taking place. With bottled water, the water can be dirtier than tap water and one cannot even analyze the difference since they both taste the same. Lastly, water filters come in many varieties. There are many options that one can choose from as opposed to bottled water which is the same and costs the same as well.

Tips and comments

Water home filters are not only effective in saving money, but they can also be effective in saving our environment. If one can avoid the plastic products which cannot be reused, there can be a huge impact on the ecosystem. Even if one does not worry about the environment, water home filters can be a great way to make great savings in one’s budget and still get safe and healthy drinking water.
