Great Advice For Wall Home
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Great Advice For Wall Home

Published at 03/06/2012 17:53:31


Great Advice For Wall Home

A home wall is a vital structure of any house as it holds the edifice together. Therefore, having a home wall that is solid and well-built is important so that it will withstand the elements of nature such as wind, rain, and sun. Without a good home wall, water and rain seep in the house creating high levels of humidity that not only affect the health of the dwellers but also the condition of the house. Too much humidity can cause molds and mildew that degrade paint and furniture making repairs and replacements costs high.

Step 1

A good insulation of a home wall is vital to make sure that it is thick and sturdy enough to protect the house from the elements of nature. When there are holes or cracks in the walls, moisture will seep in and eventually degrade the structure. As a first step, check for cracks and fissures by going to all the rooms. Start at the basement (if you have one) and work your way upwards, making sure that you don’t miss any living or storage space. Take note of these problematic areas and try to fill them up with plaster. There are DIY kits for filling cracks on a home wall that any amateur builder can do.

Step 2

Put double glazed windows to improve the insulation of a home wall. You will be surprised at how much money you are going to save when double glazed windows are installed. It might require investment on your part, but it will save you money on heating and cooling costs as well as add value to your home when you sell it in the future. Since window replacement or changing can cost a lot of money, shop around to get the best prices and budget home improvement activities in advance.

Step 3

Improve the insulation of a home wall by putting shutters. As you cannot build another layer of home wall, work around what you got. Install shutters and if you are buying a new home, check if there are shutters to help with insulation.

Step 4

A simple thing to do to help increase the insulation of a home wall is to put up thick curtains. Draughts keep the heat out and the cold in. Put curtains with lining on your windows to help in insulating your home. They are more efficient in insulating your home wall than blinds.

Step 5

Check ceilings and floor panes to see if there are places where the heat or cold could escape. Seal these holes with a silicone or caulk. If you cannot do it yourself, ask a contractor to check the entire home wall and surroundings to see if there are improvements that can be done to reinforce the structure and improve insulation in your houses. The contractor might suggest to improve the crawlspace between a home wall and so on, and while this might cost you some money, it can only help you save for costly repairs later on and increase the market value of your homes.


Great Advice For Wall Home

Before buying a house, check that the home wall is solid and that there are no cracks or holes. Ask for the building compliance certificate if you have doubts.

Sources and Citations

Green Building Advisor
