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What Is Home

Published at 03/08/2012 00:22:32


The question as to what is home holds a very simple answer. It is basically an apartment, house or any other shelter place where one lives as a person, with family or household. What is home can also be defined as a place where all the domestic affections of a person are centered. The answer to what is home differs from one person to another. The meaning of home cannot be termed easy to isolate, as it has a broad sphere. Many people consider it as a place where all the emotions and affections lie whereas; the physical importance of the home also cannot be underestimated.


The aspect of what is home has surrounded nearly all of us, as we have several simple rituals associated with the place that tends to carry on with the pattern of time. These rituals can be cooking food for ourselves and for our family, eating, washing, cleaning, sleeping are the basics and are all centered on the basic point.
The answer to what is home for a refugee might differ a bit as it is more often associated with comfort, relatives, friends, family, relationships, as well as all those traditional rituals, which provide a meaning to our lives. This feeling is created after losing out your shelter due to a natural calamity or a split up in the relationship. Furthermore, the concept of what is home is also connected with memory, so as to give the honor to our ancestors, who built it, as well as communicating to others the true identity of the people living in that home.


In addition to home being our financial assets, which is another definition of what is home concept, there are also several deep emotional feelings attached to it. There are many people, who have grown up in houses, which are owned by their parents. With these homes, there are associated numerous childhood memories, which can be cherished forever. Making it for better or for worse, the place where we have spent our childhood can be considered as a good measuring tool so as to determine the level of success our parents have managed to attain thereby effectively contributing towards the answer of what is home.

Tips and comments

What is home holds a simple yet extensive explanation and in addition to being a construction that has been built by some hard earned money, home has several other reasons to be an essential part of our lives. It is the place where our heart lives and is the center to all our emotional attachments. We live in it with our family and enjoy the moments of life. Whether, they are the days of early civilization, or the efforts of modernized world food, clothing and shelter are considered as the basic necessities of life. No matter what way is used for attaining these objectives, mankind is still struggling for the basics in one way or another.
What is home is a very evasive term and not one answer can be given to it as different people have different types of attachments with their place. Some consider it as a valuable financial asset whereas, other consider it as center of all emotions and a place where they can relax away from all the problems of the outside world.
