Tips And Ideas For Home Candles
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Tips And Ideas For Home Candles

Published at 03/15/2012 11:54:59


Tips And Ideas For Home Candles

Candles are the cylindrical pieces of wax with a wick fixed in them which is lit to lighten a particular place. These candles are sometimes made of wax, paraffin, soy, beeswax and sometimes of plant wax. They were used in the ancient times to light up houses as there was no electricity invented at that time. Now when so many advancements have been made people still use candles in their houses because they give a warm, cozy and welcoming look to one’s house. Now a days candles are being made of various styles. There are the scented ones, the flavored ones and ones with different shapes. People have started making candles as a hobby now a days at home. These home candles are becoming very popular. There are various designs that the people are coming up with in home candles which are sold at really high prices in the market. The demand of these candles is also increasing every day. There are many ways by which you can prepare candles of your own choice at home and decorate them in your house.

Step 1

There are many ways by which you can make simple candles of your own choice. As a children’s project, you can take a candle, melt it and then mold it into a shape of your choice, add a wick to it and in a few minutes, your simple home candle is complete.

Step 2

The next type of home candles which is also easy and less time taking are the wax crystal candles. This wax crystal is a type of wax that has the granulated crystals added to them. Among these crystals are the components which help in providing color, luster and hardening to your candle. Now these components are added to this wax because it has sand like behavior. Now after you have designed your crystal candle, you can put it in a transparent glass, with a wick in it. This way, when you light the wick, there is no effect on the design of the candle.

Step 3

The best tip for the home candles is that when you are preparing them and you can not think of a design, or in case you are using the crystal wax, you can use the colorful molds. Now, here you can use a variety of molds like the candy containers, the glasses, shells, decoration pieces, etc.

Step 4

If you are molding your candles in pretty containers, then you can always add beauty to your candles by adding scents to them or you can even paint the outer portion or the visible portion of the molded home candles. You can use various scents, anyone that you like. You can paint your candles with the help of acrylic paints. You can even decorate the candles using cards, photos, ribbons, beads, dried flowers, seeds, etc. You can also use the method of using two types of decorations at the same time. This can be done by adding photos, ribbons or any other decoration at the same time. This makes your home candles unique and pretty.

Step 5

If you want to mold your home candles in a clear glass container, then you can go with adding layers of different colors in the glass. The layers of different colors make your candles really pretty.


Tips And Ideas For Home Candles

The home candles can be designed and decorated in many different ways. The ways that are mentioned above are just a few of the tips to make your home candles beautiful. Making candles is a very good hobby as you do not get bored in case you have nothing to do. You can make candles on your own and decorate them in your house or give them as gifts to your friends. You can even sell them at a shop as they are so much in demand these days and so this way you might earn a great amount of money by making something that is your passion.

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