10 Amazing Tips For Home Power Tools
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10 Amazing Tips For Home Power Tools

Published at 03/13/2012 18:29:28


10 Amazing Tips For Home Power Tools

As all of us already know, power tools are such tools which rely on a power source which is not manual. They range from saws to drills. Their power source is usually electricity but at times they can be gasoline or air powered. Following are some tips ranging from storage to usage with relation to home power tools.

Step 1

In order to increase the life of home power tools, lay down some carpet underneath the home power tools, this will prevent scratching. In order to avoid rusting, the carpet can also be oiled which will help to keep out moisture. If a dehumidifier is placed next to the tools, it will help vacuum the water out of the surrounding air, which again prevents rusting.

Step 2

Another tip related to storage of home power tools is that a magnetic strip can be very useful. Not only is it easier to organize the tools through this strip, but it will also decrease the amount of scratches caused due to the tools' sharp surfaces being placed together. While storing your power tool with children close by, it is beneficial to place a key ring through one of the holes at the plug, at the end of the tool. This will ensure that no child will be able to plug in the home power tools.

Step 3

Most home power tools owners do not know that they can rebuild the rechargeable power battery pack. Instead of discarding the power pack, it can be rebuilt using rechargeable size C batteries.The first thing to do is open the battery pack, if it is closed, heat a soldiering iron and cut an opening. After opening it, determine which type of batteries are used, Ni-Mh or Ni-Cad, also note the arrangement of the batteries in order to arrange the new batteries similarly. After heating up the connector and removing the batteries, oxidation can be removed by using a rotary tool with a power brush attachment. Install and soldier the new batteries. Put the battery cover back on and screw together. If you have cut open the pack, use epoxy adhesive to join it together. It should be kept in mind that the batteries need to be charged overnight before use.

Step 4

Moving on to specific types of home power tools, the next tip is a useful technique for drills which are battery powered. By changing the torque power, the drill can be easily modified for the material at hand. Torque power is changed by turning the dial which is placed posterior to the drill bit. In relation to the cordless power drill, it is important to note that a portable drill can be converted to an immobile power drill through the following process. A mounting clamp which is part of the bench can be used to do this. Simply, place the handle of the drill in the mounting clamp's vise and close them, this will make it immobile. While discussing drills, it is important to mention that a normal drill can be used for concrete areas. The only thing that you have to do is gradually increase the drill bit size. If you get stuck on any specific spot, once again increase the drill bit size, take out the drill bit and place a nail in the hole and hit it with a hammer, in order to remove the blockage. While discussing drilling concrete, another important tip is how to remove a drill bit that is stuck in concrete. First, blow air into the concrete, this removes any concrete particles. Then clamp onto the drill bit using vise clips, rotate counterclockwise and again blow air into the area if the bit gets stuck at any point. If the drill bit has broken into the surface use a pair of nose-pliers to pull it out, if you are unable to pull out the bit, use a drill to enlarge the hole and then pull it out.

Step 5

Another tip for a specific type of home power tools is related to the measuring tape. For a tape measure which is made of steel, apply some paste wax. This will not ensure a smaller amount of friction but it will also keep your tape measure safe from impurities, such as dirt and oil.


10 Amazing Tips For Home Power Tools

Hopefully, this article has helped you find new uses for your home power tools. By perusing this article, you have probably been able to store your tools in a more efficient manner and have come across some valuable tips.

Sources and Citations







