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Tips And Ideas For Home And Office

Published at 03/23/2012 01:46:11


Do you manage a business out of your home? Do you need some decorating or organizing ideas for your home and office? Would you like some simple tips that you can do yourself? Here are a few tips that anyone can master, even someone who does not consider themselves a do it yourself.

Step 1

When it comes to decorating a home and office, your best friend is paint. However, a paint job can set any mood you want. It can inspire you. It can help calm you. It can even open up small places. For this reason, one should also think about beginning any decorating project for their home and office with a simple paint job.

Step 2

Organization is a key to success. Organization is also the key to making a home and office run smoothly. To become organized, you need some simple tools. These can include pretty file boxes, file folders and well placed baskets. These can also include labels.

Step 3

Another key to becoming organized at one’s home and office is sturdy shelves. These shelves can be used to store those well placed file folders and file boxes. They can also be used to place well used books and reference materials. Finally, they can be used to place photos and mementoes that one wants to keep near.

These shelves can come in many forms such as the basic single shelves that can be placed anywhere there is a sturdy stud to hold them to shelving units. They also come in a variety of color choices.

Step 4

Purchase some big baskets. Yes, big baskets have many uses in the home and office. In the home, they can be placed right inside the doorway to be a catch all for the rainy day boots and umbrellas. In the office, they can be used underneath the desk to store reference materials such as books that you do not use every day.

Step 5

Well placed corkboards can be beneficial in the home and office. A well place corkboard beside one’s desk is the perfect place to pin up reminders of work to be done. A corkboard can be placed in the kitchen behind a cabinet door to place recipes that are used frequently. Another corkboard can be placed in the kitchen and a notepad can be kept to write down things one needs to purchase at the grocery store. Finally, a cork board can be placed behind the bathroom medicine cabinet along with a chart stating when medication is due.


Paint can brighten up one’s home and office. Paint is also an inexpensive way to change the look of one’s home.

One should consider adding sturdy shelves to their home and office. These can be used to organized items such as books and files. They can also be used to display photos.

Baskets of all sizes can be used throughout the home for organizational purposes and for decorating purposes. Bigger baskets can store those items that need to be kept handy and, yet, are rarely used such as rain boots. These should be purchased in pretty colors that match one’s décor.

Corkboards are the perfect way to keep notes and recipes handy.

Sources and Citations
