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Tips And Ideas For Home Closet Storage

Published at 03/21/2012 01:32:09


A well thought out and effective home closet storage system will make one’s house tidier and one’s life easier. It is a fact that life would clearly be simpler when you are aware of the whereabouts of your belongings. By going for an organized home closet storage system you will be able to know where everything is located and the process of cleaning would also become easier. The good thing about this kind of system is that these can be quite cost effective and easy to install.

Bellow you will find five tips and ideas that you can use in order to have an organized and useful home closet storage system:

Step 1

You can purchase transparent plastic bins or stacking shelves for storing your items in home closet storage. Since the size of these items will vary it is necessary to purchase these bins and stacking shelves in various sizes. To ensure that it is a snug fit, the height of the bins and shelves should always be two inches less than the height space of the closet shelves. You can use a sticker for making note of the contents of these containers.

Step 2

Another home closet storage idea would be to install a rod or a hanger in your closet. Ensure that this does not hamper other things in the closet. You can flip accessories like scarves, belts, ties, etc over the rod to ensure that they don’t fall to the ground or get all tangled up.

Step 3

If you aren’t a fan of storing folded clothes in your closet just as they are for fear of messing them up then you can use crates for storing them. Crates are a great home closet storage item that can de-clutter your closet effectively. These crates should be stacked against the closet wall. Additionally, you can also use shallow baskets to store your hair accessories like headbands, hair pins, hair ties, etc.

Step 4

A good home closet storage idea that helps you save space in drawers is to purchase an inexpensive cardboard cabinet and place them inside your closet. You can use this for the purpose of storing your hosiery, socks or lingerie. This way you will not have to fish for them in the drawer of the closet all the time.

Step 5

One of the many things in the home closet storage that takes up the most space would have to be shoes. You can organize your shoes in a proper way by making use of shoe hangers or shoe organizers. Being greeted with a closet floor strewn with shoes is not a welcoming sight, therefore you should stop dumping the shoes on the closet floor or stashing them away in boxes because these take up a lot of space. You will be surprised at how your organized your closet would be when you hang your shoes or store them on shoe organizers. In fact, shoe organizers are one of those home closet storage items that sell like hot cakes.


When you choose to implement these tips and tricks, you will finally be able to say goodbye to a cluttered, unorganized and untidy closet.

