5 Things You Must Know About Cleaning Home
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5 Things You Must Know About Cleaning Home

Published at 03/19/2012 21:17:32


5 Things You Must Know About Cleaning Home

Home cleaning is the art of cleaning the rooms and furnishing of your home. It is one of the nightmares of people nowadays what with the busy life styles and all. Cleaning your home includes activities like taking out your garbage or disposing of rubbish, cleaning dirty surfaces, vacuuming, and dusting etc. Home cleaning helps your home look better and healthier. It makes it easier and safer to live in especially if there are children involved, it is important to have a clean home as it affects their growth. Not cleaning your homes regularly might lead to limescale building up on your taps, molds growing in wet areas, bacterial action and cobwebs emerging.


5 Things You Must Know About Cleaning Home

Home cleaning or house cleaning is not an easy chore. It requires a lot of time and effort; which is why some people house clean for exercise; it gives them a nice workout. It is better than paying for an expensive gym membership that you do not even end up going to anyway. Some people clean their homes to accomplish something or to find something that is missing whereas some people house clean just to enjoy a cleaner and healthier home, so that they and their family can live in a clean, fresh and hygienic environment.


5 Things You Must Know About Cleaning Home

The most basic and necessary activities included in home cleaning are:
1. Throwing away indoor litter should be done first and foremost as it is easy to decide where to put it. Put on some rubber gloves, grab a plastic bag or some paper bags, and throw away the litter.
2. The next step is to put away your belongings, or unnecessary stuff that might be lying around in your living room, lounge etc. Start by putting the books back in the book shelf, dirty dishes need to go into the dishwasher or the sink, dirty clothes in the hamper. If you come across useless junk, throw it away or if there is something that you would like to donate, put it aside so that you can get to it after you have finished cleaning.
3. Get some dust cloths and start dusting! Wipe the furniture, decoration pieces, and frames, anything that needs to be dusted. Vacuum the carpets and rugs; use the nozzle on the vacuum cleaner’s hosepipe to dust off drapery and fabric furniture.
4. After you have dusted and vacuumed the rooms and furniture, it is necessary to wipe the dust that might be stuck on wood furniture or marble floors. Next, wash dirty kitchen counters, stoves, or other kitchen surfaces with soap mixed with water. Lastly, wash the bathrooms.
5. Wash the dishes and do the laundry. Nothing says a ‘clean home’ than clean dishes and clean clothes in you cupboards and on you. Also spray the cleaning solutions on your wipe cloth and wipe all the windows or shelves that might be made of glass.

Tips and comments

These are the five most important things you must know about home cleaning. You might not be able to clean your home in one go but the important thing is to start doing some of it now. There are books and numerous articles on the internet that help and guide you towards home cleaning.
