Tips And Ideas For Home Closet
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Tips And Ideas For Home Closet

Published at 03/26/2012 23:35:33


Tips And Ideas For Home Closet

Closet is one of the most important parts of our homes. Most of the times people often complain about the lack of space in home closet and how wardrobe is always exceeding the space available. Every morning it is a battle to extract the clothes that you want to wear which invariably lead to a possibility of an extra five minutes late. Well this would be the proper time to lay down your weapons, try and design your closet better with the aid of these simple yet effective tips.

Step 1

Many homes especially the older ones have the facility of hanging space so that the clothes can be hung on hangars. The best way to deal with such home closet is to divide the space into two levels. Decide how much of space you need for hanging your long dresses and keep that space aside.

Then add another few levels to it, say add a rod midway so that you can hang clothes on two levels making it easier to distinguish. The most common practice is to hang the shirts in one half and the pants and trousers in another. So all you have to do every morning is to go through them separately saving time and giving your closet a neat and uncluttered look.

Step 2

Hanging all your clothes on hangars can have a few of them lying in a heap at the bottom and that can get pretty cumbersome. Now if you have a large number of sweaters or silk shirts a good option is to have a section of the home closet fitted with floor to top shelve drawers and shelves.

Folding your clothes means that you can see them clearly making it easy to choose and decide from. Also those clothes that you do not use very often can be stored in drawers to protect them from dust particles. You can also keep some of your shoes on the shelves. Agreed this may not be the best way but it does keep your shoes away from the walking space, which is the primary objective.

Step 3

After you are done with all the hanging space and the drawers rather than waste the space above you can set a couple of 1-foot bins on the top. Bins are sold in various sizes 1-,2-,3-foot size bins. You choose according to the space available to you and that which matches your closet design.

Once you are done with that simply slide your purses in. They are no longer cluttered in a small corner of your home closet and you can easily view them. When you need them you can easily retrieve your purses. It is best if you place the purses you use the least often in your highest bins to keep them safe.

Step 4

Many of you own designer shoes, shoes that you would not like to get spoilt, this it is advisable to clear away some space in one side of your home closet. Set up some shelves and keep your shoes in boxes on this area. This way they are properly arranged and have a good chance of staying in the proper condition. To make your home closet even more organized you could try keeping the shoes onto the boxes which will be an efficient way to take care of those precious shoes of yours.

Step 5

After taking care of everything else all that is left to handle are your caps. Instead of going with the age old concept of behind the door hangars, a more innovative way is to get yourself some over the ceiling hangars that can hold your caps as well as make use of the useless space.

Tips and Comments

Tips And Ideas For Home Closet

Well you may not be a millionaire and may not be able to afford the walk-in home closets but following some simple tips can offer your home closet a de-cluttered and hassle free look. These are not the only things you can do, just be innovative and let your imagination run free and see your home closet take on a whole new shape.

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