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How To Make a Home For Birds in the Backyard

Published at 03/22/2012 23:16:07

Making Your Backyard a Bird Sanctuary

Wildbirds are delightful to watch and especially when you can see them right outside your window in a backyard. Birdwatching is a great hobby for many folks and once you get a taste of it, you will want to learn how to make a home for birds. There are several ways to draw attention to your yard and encourage birds to visit, as well as taking up nesting. Homes that draw the most birds have all the requirements needed for birds at home. Landscaping, bird feeders, birdbaths and bird houses are all the components needed to draw and keep birds at home.


Step 1

If you are very interested in attracting birds to your home, start working on your landscaping. Some plants and trees can take years to grow to a decent size, so plan on putting in fast growing trees and shrubs now. Plant trees with birds in mind for nesting. Tall trees with thick branches and lots of leaves make ideal nesting sights.


Step 2

Plant several varieties of berry bushes that not only attract birds to your home, but also supplies them with nutritious berries for food. Blueberries, raspberries and blackberries all grow rather quickly and within about two years you should have tasty berries attracting birds to your home. When landscaping, keep in mind that each bird species has their own food preferences, but in general, birds feed on insects, fruits, nectar, berries, seeds and nuts.



Step 3

In addition to keeping food in your yard for birds at home, you must also supply a water source. Birds need water to survive just like us and many types of birds enjoy bathing to get rid of the dust and small parasites from their feathers. Any type of running water that makes a splashing or gurgling sound is particularly good for attracting birds to a home. Waterfalls, birdbaths and water fountains are all great ways to attract birds. Use some creativity to come up with an inexpensive bird bath. Birds do not really require anything fancy. The best birdbaths have gently sloped bottoms and are three inches deep or less. If you have a large dish that is too deep, you can easily raise the water up by placing rocks in the bottom.


Step 4

Keeping several bird feeders around the property in both the front and backyard also works well for attracting birds to your home. Black-oil sunflower seeds are one of the most nutritious types of seeds and several species of birds enjoy them. Fill bird feeders with cracked corn, milo, unsalted peanuts, raisins, oranges, apples and fruit seeds. If you do not have cats in your area, you can probably get away with hanging feeders in trees. However, cats can easily climb trees and attack the birds and that is why most people avoid hanging bird feeders in trees. Squirrels getting into the feeders and eating all the food meant for the birds is another consideration when choosing a spot for feeders.


Step 5

If you have a few dollars to spare, supplying bird houses is also a good way for attracting birds to your home. Not all birds will use a bird house, but a lot of the smaller and medium-sized birds are glad to set up housekeeping and build a nest.


Supplying the basics of life with shelter, food, water and weather protection is all that is needed to attract birds to your home. Hanging homemade suet balls from trees gives birds a high-energy food source during cold winter months.
