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Seashore Decorating Home Tips

Published at 03/26/2012 03:17:44


Almost everyone loves the seashore, but unfortunately, not everyone can afford a home on the water. However, almost everyone can turn their home into a beautiful beach cottage with a little paint and decorating. If you want to bring the beach to your home, no matter where you live, here are some seashore decorating tips to help you get started. 



Step 1

Color is very important when it comes to decorating your home to look like a house on the beach. Most people chose to blue and white for seashore decorating, but almost any colors found around the ocean can be used, whether it's the blue and greens of the water or the pinks and reds of the coral and seashells; you can even use the yellows that radiate from a sunny day. White and neutral colors that reflect the color of sand are also used. Don't be afraid to paint your walls a vivid sea green or sky blue, but leaving them white is okay, too. No matter what colors you choose to decorate with, you can always use touches of pinks, blues or greens to accent them.



Step 2

When it comes to furniture, there are numerous ways to incorporate a seashore look into your home decorating style. Some people choose to use big, overstuffed sofas and chairs for living rooms, usually in blues and whites. Others choose to use wicker or Adirondack style furniture. These types of furniture are typical used outdoors, but individual pieces can be used to accent your living room or bedroom. Just remember that simple is best. Clean lines and uncomplicated patterns will also help achieve the look you want. Decorating with lighter colored wood furniture, such as pine or wood that has been painted white, is perfect for a beach style home.

Step 3

You can't have the seashore without the seashore, so try using decorative items that incorporate beach and ocean elements into your home. This can be as simple as putting a bowl of seashells on your coffee table or hanging a picture of the ocean on your wall. Some people even choose to make their own decorations with items found on the beach, such as driftwood or shells. Statutes of fish and sea birds are popular in seashore style homes; just don't use too many. You don't want a lot of clutter and you don't want your house to look garish. Don't forget: you can also incorporate these elements by purchasing fabric with ocean or nautical themes and patterns to make throw pillows and curtains.


Step 4

When it comes to your walls and flooring, you can use them to make a big statement in your seashore style decorating. Simple, clean lines, again, are key, but it's always best to add a little texture. For example, walls with a clapboard or wooden look painted white or the color of your choice) make for a beautiful beach style home. Bead-board wainscoting can also make your home look like a seashore style cottage. As for floors, light wood or wood painted white is a beautiful look for seashore style. Don't be afraid to add a few solid colored or simple patterned throw rugs to bring your room together.


Step 5

When it comes to lighting in your beach or seashore style home, you want to take advantage of as much natural light as possible. Instead of heavy blinds or drapes, opt for white, sheer or gauzy curtains when decorating or covering your windows. You can also purchase simple or nautical themed lamps to dress up your rooms and add a little soft lighting.


Remember, being at the seashore is all about relaxing and being comfortable. When decorating your home with beach style, you never want to create a space that can't be enjoyed by every member of the family. Luckily, beach style often takes on a shabby but beautiful look that doesn't have to be perfect.

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