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Tips And Ideas For Homes Gardens

Published at 03/27/2012 22:06:39


Starting a garden outside of your homes can be a truly wonderful experience. If you are planting a vegetable garden, you can watch your crops grow and eventually, take them inside to eat them. If you are planting a flower garden, the sights and smells of beautiful buds and blooms can turn any yard into a paradise. Herb gardens making cooking very convenient. And of course, some people choose to plant a combination of items in their gardens. No matter what type of garden you plan to create, here are some tips and ideas for your homes gardens.

Step 1

Before you do anything to your gardens, you will want to have a good plan in place. If you don't, you may end up with several problems. Obviously, what you plant and how much of it will depend on how much space you have. For example, if you only have a small area and want to plant vegetables, you are probably better off choosing tomatoes over corn. If you are planting flowers in beds against your homes, you will want to put the ones that will grow taller in the back and the shorter ones around the exterior. Planning ahead also gives you an idea of what all you will need to purchase to start your gardens.

Step 2

The next tip for your gardens is a pretty simple one: read the package. When you buy a package of seeds or a plant from a nursery or homes and gardens store, it almost always has instructions. These instructions will include information on everything from how far apart and how deep to plant your seeds to how much water and sunlight they need to thrive. Many gardeners think they can just plant these seeds and plants however they seem fit, but not following the directions can lead to less than appealing gardens.

Step 3

A trip to your local homes and gardens store for supplies can put a big dent in your pocketbook. One way to prevent this from happening is to be frugal when planting and caring for your garden. If you are planting in containers instead of the ground, used recycled items such as egg cartons or food containers. If you plan to use mulch, use shredded newspaper instead. Use vinegar instead of expensive (and unhealthy) weed-killers.

Step 4

Be mindful of pests. At night, gardeners tend to stay tucked away in their homes, not giving their gardens a second thought, but animals and bugs may be outside wreaking havoc on your flowers or vegetables. From rabbits to beetles, these pests may see your garden as free food. Ultimately, this can ruin your plants. There are many ways to prevent this from happening. For bugs and weeds, you can purchase weed killers and pesticides from your local nursery or homes and gardens store. You can also use safer, more natural products such as egg shells to keep some creatures away. And, of course, for bigger animals, like deer and rabbits, you will need to put up some kind of fence or barrier.

Step 5

The next tip for your homes gardens include daily and weekly maintenance. Taking care of your garden and your gardening supplies is important. In the long run, it can save you a lot of money and probably a few headaches. At least once a week, you should check for weeds or signs of pests, check for wilting or rotting plants that might need water or other attention and tend to anything else your garden is lacking. By not doing this, you may end up with a bunch of dead plants that will need to be replanted or even a bug problem that can spread into your homes and yards. Also, keeping your tools put away when not in use, as well as keeping them clean, can prevent them from rusting, breaking or needing to be replaced.


The most important thing to remember when planting your homes gardens is to have fun. Don't turn gardening into a chore. Plant the items you love to eat or look at and take pride in knowing they are growing because of your efforts and hard work. Your gardens do not have to be perfect, and they can even become a fun project for the entire family.

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