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Home Rug - The Best Offers

Published at 03/27/2012 14:28:55


Rugs are meant to make ones home attain an appealing look. There are a lot of rugs in the market hence it is advisable to chose the best that suits your home. When you are looking for a rug that nicely complements the interior of your home, there are important things that one needs to know. Since every room in your house has a different setup and purpose, a rug that you buy must cater for the needs related to a particular room.

Step 1

To start with, you must get the right measurement of a particular room. This is done by taking the width and length measurement of the room and approximating the area of the room. This will help you know the measurement and you should leave at least two feet from each wall thereby leaving uncovered part of the floor letting you to admire the beauty if the floor.

Step 2

Before you purchase the home rug, you should take the measurement of the distance between the floor and the door the space where the door opens. This is done so as to consider the thickness of the rug. A thick rug will prevent the door from opening.

Step 3

The type of home rug that one buys is very important. It is not advisable for you to buy a woolen rug when you have children and pets at home. The synthetic rug is the choice for you.

Step 4

Furniture placement is a point to consider when it comes to your rag last. One would like to see the rug that you bought last long. How you place your furniture in a room determines the durability of the home rug. It is necessary to avoid placing large rugs in rooms with a lot of furniture so that you can avoid placing furniture on them. Coffee tables or couches will spoil the rug at the point of support.

Step 5

Some home rugs are easier to clean and maintain than others. Shaggy rags have a lot of difficulty in cleaning while on the other hand, wool rugs are the easiest to maintain and clean. It is very important to make sure that your house is clean and dust free at all the times. Wool rugs may be dust and dirt resistant which is not similar to a leather rug. Your zebra print leather rug will have that beautiful look only if you ensure cleanliness in your room.

Tip 6

Placing expensive traditional home rugs where your kids play is not recommended. Kids will spoil, stain and spill on them. To avoid this, there are a lot of varieties of kid rugs that are designed especially for them. Incase of pets, wool rugs are the best for mites and other small insects cannot hide on them. Wool rugs will provide your pets with a lot of warmth and comfort.


Since home rugs are meant for home décor, selecting the best is advisable. The market is flooded with a lot of rugs and walking and getting the one that appeals your eyes may not work. Talking with a rug dealer before buying one will help you to get the one that suits you.


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