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How To Keep a Cover Over Your Home

Published at 03/29/2012 18:36:21


When you live in a area that has cold winters, you can learn how to cover your windows to insulate your home. Windows act as one of the largest sources of loss of heat in your home during cold weather. This is a common problem with older homes that have windows that are not energy efficient. This calls for cover home in order to keep the heat inside your home. Instead of replacing such windows, the solution is to cover your windows with clear plastic and this will provide the barrier that is necessary to keep heating from escaping through the windows. Although this is an effective way, it might reduce visibility.

Step 1

The first thing that you need to do before you can install the cover home is to thoroughly clean your windows. You can use a good window cleaning solution or detergent for this purpose. Once you have cleaned your windows, you should allow them t dry in a natural way. It is a good idea to choose a cloudy day for this purpose because cleaning windows in bright sunshine is likely to produce streaks on your windows.

Step 2

The second thing that you need to do is to wait for your windows to dry. Once the windows are dry, you need to measure your window frames so that you can place the cover home. Once you have got your measurements, you can now cut your clear plastic so that you can place the insulating material on your windows. A good pair of scissors is all you need to do this job.

Step 3

The third thing that you need to do in order to place the cover home is to place a strip of tape that is double sided along the window frame. Once you have placed the double sided tape along the window frame, you can remove the paper that is covering it so that you can place the cover home.

Step 4

The fourth thing that you need to do is to place your cover home on your window glass, and it will be secured in place with the help of the double sided tape. You can use a hair dryer to shrink the plastic into place so that it fits snuggly over your windows. You can then repeat this process for the other windows in your home.

Step 5

The fifth thing that you need to do after you have placed the cover home is to use a utility knife in order to cut away the excess clear plastic after you have done your fitting. Once you have done this, you can now enjoy the insulation that the clear plastic provides during the winter season. In addition to keeping your house warm, you will make savings on your heating bills because you will not need to sue as much on gas and electricity. You are advised to leave one window in each room in your house uncovered with the clear plastic so that you can make a quick exit in case there is a fire or some other emergency.


The above tips are of great help for cover home.


The tips are commendable for cover home.
