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5 Tips You Should Learn About Home Washing

Published at 03/31/2012 20:53:06


Maintaining hygiene in any environment is very necessary. Home washing will easily eliminate the risk of infection from various pathogens which thrive in dirty environments. You may think that cleaning your home is a matter of using some simple equipment but it is not. Home washing aims to keep your home sparkling clean. To make sure your home washing is successful you will need to apply a few tricks and use some chemicals which are readily available at home or at a local store. Here are 5 tips to help you with your home washing.


The kitchen is a very sensitive part of the home. Regular home washing is needed to keep the kitchen sparkling clean. Wipe spills on the refrigerator as soon as possible. Once in a while, go through your refrigerator and get rid of any you don’t intend to use or has passed its expiry date. Backing soda will be great to clean your fridge and will leave it smelling fresh. The microwave is another appliance that needs constant cleaning. Place a cup of water in the microwave and allow it to boil. The steam should loosen any fats and other food particles and make it easy to wipe then off. Sinks should be scrubbed regularly with salt to remove any stains.


Most clothes will have labels directing how home washing should be done. When doing home washing on clothes, make sure you get their temperature and washing cycle right. Remember to check pockets before throwing any clothes into the washer. Take care not to overload your washer and make sure your load is well balanced. Stains should be handled as fast as possible and do not allow them time to dry or soak. Home washing a laundry room will make sure your whole house is clean and save you a lot of time in doing your laundry. Sort your laundry into various basket according to washing style, colour and fabric.

Most people to tend to ignore their bedrooms, after all, only they and a few others access it. This should not be the case. You spend more than a quarter of you day in the bedroom so constant home washing is essential. Bedrooms should be cleaned regularly or daily; if it is possible. Remember to clean under the bed as a lot of dust and other dirt will tend to settle under the bed. Curtains should be regularly washed and blind dusted to eliminate any dust settled on them. Beds should be made every day, dressers should be checked and any items not used should be thrown away. Care should be taken in disposing pressurized deodorant cans.

Tips and comments

Home washing bathrooms is essential for a clean home. Using phosphoric acid based products will keep your bathtub and showers sparkling clean and will not need any scrubbing. Shower doors should be cleaned with lemon oil to remove any molds and mildew. Shower curtains should be washed on a gently cycle with some little white vinegar. If you follow these steps your home will be clean in no time.
