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How Do I Find Room To Work At Home With Children?

Published at 01/31/2012 19:06:19

How to find room to work at home with children

People are increasingly opting to work from home in order to take care of their children especially the toddlers who need attention. Working from home can be a nightmare especially when it comes to balancing between getting work done and attending to the needs of the children. So for anyone who wants to earn a decent income and still manage to stay at home with children can follow these tips.

Step 1

First you have to find a room or a spot in the house where you want to set up your home office. If it has a room makes sure that it has a door which can be closed so that children don’t interrupt you. If it is a spot in the house make sure it is child proof such that when you are home with children do not tamper with your computer or any other important office equipments and documents.

Your home office should be organized and without clutter such that you don’t waste time looking for things all the time. Minimize distractions by for example switching off your home phone, answering machine and email alerts. When you are home with children there will be unavoidable interruptions sometimes like breastfeeding toddlers which means you will have to find ways to manage them. This means you also have to be realistic with working at home.

Step 2

When working at home with children, make a realistic plan/schedule that around your kids and if possible you can get a nanny to help you out during the day. The children can also be enrolled for daycare or pre schools to give you room to work. You can also meet with other stay at home parents and take turns to watch the children. Your plan should also include planning for activities for the children during the holidays and summertime.

Your schedule can be such that you work during the times that they are having their naps, at school and at night when they are asleep. Always remember to make a list of what you are going to do the next day so that you assign enough time for every task.

Step 3

You should establish the rules with the kids that are old enough to understand. When you work at home with children they need to understand that mummy or daddy cannot be interrupted and the office is off limits unless it is an emergency.

When you are through with work make sure to have quality time in the home with your children at dinnertime or playtime and resist the temptation to overwork or multitask. Your children should be a top priority whenever you are off duty and honor family time you promised to make time for and they will do the same for you when you are working.


Always use your cell phone instead of the home phone when working at home with children. This is to avoid the case where the children pick your business calls by mistake or forget to deliver the messages. For conference calls, schedule them when the children are at school or out with the nanny to avoid interruptions.

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