Home Garden Plants That Need Bright Sun
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Home Garden Plants That Need Bright Sun

Published at 02/15/2012 15:44:45


Home Garden Plants That Need Bright Sun

Gardening is taken as a hobby by some people and these people are very close to nature. They treat plants like their children as plants require plenty of care. If you will not, they will wither and die. Some people are devoted gardeners and spend most of their time in the garden while others find it difficult to handle the plants, whether they are outdoor plants or indoor plants. Plants and nature are very important for a human being. Plants have numerous advantages, they act as carbon vacuum which means they remove carbon dioxide from air that is harmful and it also reduces a number of health problems, which include coughs and sore throat. There are a number of home garden plants that are colorful and inexpensive too, which can change the look of your garden. Some are to keep in shade whereas others need bright sunlight and a lot of care. Home garden plants will make your backyard look beautiful and you will feel close to nature.


Home Garden Plants That Need Bright Sun

The concept of home garden plants is not new. It has always been common. Gardens were also very much cherished in Egyptian and Roman times. They were used for secular purposes and as a place for their temple. It is said about Greeks that they did not own their gardens as they preferred roads with statues.


Home Garden Plants That Need Bright Sun

Every plant needs water and sunlight whether they are kept indoor or outdoor. It is very important to keep in mind when you are planning to renovate your garden that you need new plants that will give a bright look to it. If you have a sunny garden, where there is a lot of sunlight, you should get home garden plants that require a lot of sun. Verbena is a plant that stays in the sun and flowers during the summer. It is a beautiful flower with a variety of colors that will make your garden look beautiful. Another one is cape daisy or osteospermum, which come in a variety of colors as well. They will also survive during fall. Bush violet is another one which does not require much attention except they should be protected from the wind. This plant has a velvety texture and will add beauty to your garden. You can also add star shaped flowers known as Pentas which attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. You can put them in the sun and you will not have to change their direction. They will survive the drought as well. Calibrachoa Super bells Plum is another example. You can plant them right after winters as they require a lot of sunlight. They are not fussy plants, which mean that you will not have to give them extra attention and care.

Tips and comments

Different variety of home garden plants has lately become a fashion, as they increase the beauty of your house. They add color and also purify the air. Plants reduce stress and give freshness just by looking at them. You can take gardening as a hobby and it will be a great pastime for you if you do not have much to do. You can spend your time taking care of the plants which will bring you closer to nature.
