Cars Alternative Fuel

Why Use Alternative Fuel Vehicle

Published at 07/12/2011 21:59:16

 For every advancement in science, for every technology designed to make our lives easier, there are setbacks. Modern science has bought us many miracles and many advantages but has created problems for us also, and we’re slowly realizing the impact science has had on our lives, both good and bad. So, while science has made transportation easier and faster for the common man by the invention of automobiles, the fossil fuels that these automobiles use have nearly destroyed our environment. Considering the importance of the environment for our survival on this planet, we must look towards developing alternatives to the dangerous fuels we are so dependant on presently

 Alternative fuels are slowly becoming mainstream, as they serve the same purpose as conventional fuels. They use materials different from those in traditional fuels to transport expendable energy in a chemically stable form. However, alternative fuels are found to be more eco-friendly along with being cheaper and renewable. Examples of alternative fuels used in vehicles are compressed natural gas, hydrogen, electricity, ethanol, biodiesel, vegetable oil etcetera.Some are more common than others due to easier availability but all alternative fuels are more environmentally friendly than conventional fuels.

 Understanding their duty to the environment and to themselves, more and more people are turning to alternative fuel vehicles everyday. The most common alternative fuel vehicles in use today are those that employ compressed natural gas or CNG. Not only do the emissions from these cars cause less damage to the environment, but these cars are also cheaper as CNG is abundantly available, more so than fossil fuels. Dual engines, which mix traditional fuels with alternative fuels such as ethanol are also much better to use than vehicles with engines that run on petroleum, diesel or gasoline as the emissions from these cars have lesser of an impact on the environment and are more efficient also,. E85 stations, which are stations which supply these mixed fuels, are becoming increasingly commonplace making these alternative fuel vehicles even more viable for everyday use. Hydrogen is another great example of how easy it is to incorporate alternative fuel vehicles into our daily lives.Hydrogen burns with ‘clean’ emissions which basically mean that hydrogen engines don’t emit greenhouse gasses, and are more efficient. Hydrogen engines give more mileage, without the threat of dangerous emissions. Lastly, as hydrogen is a renewable fuel, the use of hydrogen engines reduces our dependency on fossil fuels which are fast running out. Other vehicles which run on alternative fuels all have similar benefits, like biodiesel and vegetable oil. They are all more efficient, cheaper than non renewable fuels and easy on the environment.

Tips and comments:

 In my opinion, each of us must now look towards switching over to alternative fuel vehicles as we need to work now to save the environment, and consequently save ourselves. Our traditional fuel sources are running out, and our environment is depleting at an astonishing rate, and alternative fuel vehicles seems the perfect solution to both problems. Although some alternative fuel vehicles have a heavy upfront cost, they are cheaper in the long run. Couple that with their environmentally friendly function, we find we have the perfect car of the future.
