Cars Cars

Get Car Insurance Cheap

Published at 02/18/2012 16:52:30


Many people who are first time owners do not know how to get cheap car isurance. Not cheap in terms of quality of the policy but cheap meaning it is soft on the wallet.Some say cheap is expensive, but we disagree with this statement when it comes to car insurance. This article will ensure that you save a lot on your car insurance policy. How to get this car insurance poliy that is less heavy on your wallet is what we plan to achieve at the end of this piece of brilliant review. Brace yourself for the best tips on how to lower your premiums and to get the cheaptest insurance policy for your car.


First of all get anti-theft car devices on your car to lower the risk premium. Get an alarm service on your car as well as quality door locks and all devices that will ensure that your car is almost 100% safe from theft. Some insurance companies also offer discounts for car window sketching. Also ask if you can get a multiple car discount. Did you have any idea that some car insurance companies can allow you to insure two cars for the price of one. Some people call the insurance companies to lay off one car only to realize that the premiums have risen. Be sure to ask if this discount is available to you and as to how you can get it. Also be sure to re-check the mileage of your car. The insurance company will surely inquire as to how far your workplace is or how long you drive in your car. They will then classify you to a particular car insurance policy. Be sure to review these facts in order to get the cheapest car insurance cover.


Try to choose a yearly policy as opposed to a monthly policy. This is because as the inflation rates rise in your specified country ,the insurance premiums will also be raised. However, you will get that if you pay it yearly, the car insurance company will have to wait until the start of the year  to  reflect this financial change on your yearly premium. Be sure to get yourself this annual policy. Also if the car is going to be in storage as opposed to being in use, it is advisable to get it  a comprehensive car insurance for the time it will be in storage since the chances of it being involved in an accident or getting any problems that will require the insurance policy are very limited.

Tips and comments

If you are a company or a group or rather your car can be traced to a certain corporate or group, ask if the insurance company offers group discount on such cars. You can save a lot of cash if you get this discount on your car insurance premiums. You can also get a lower or cheaper car insurance by lowering your liability cost and medical covers. This is a known way of getting a cheaper insurance policy for your car. Also avoid paying the insurance premiums by mail as you might be charged a specific fee for this. If possible link your account to your credit or debit card and get the companies to deduct the fees automatically. This process is free of charge in most insurance companies.
