Cars Cars

About Nebraska Car Insurance Laws

Published at 03/27/2012 05:22:22


In regions all over the world, there are laws set on car insurance. This includes the policies and coverage limits. In the United States, the laws differ from one state to the other. Nebraska car insurance laws thus bear some differences compared to those from other states and countries.



Auto insurance is basically meant to provide financial assistance in times of accidents. Since car accidents are very common, laws on car insurance ought to be set. This kind of insurance has been in practice for many years. Nebraska car insurance has the laws that each motorist in the state must follow.



As in most states, laws on Nebraska car insurance require all drivers to carry the minimum liability insurance. The liability insurance in the state of Nebraska is set at $25,000 for death or bodily injury of one person in an accident, $50,000 for death or bodily injury of persons and $25,000 for overall property damage. For the uninsured / underinsured Nebraska car insurance, the minimum is set at $25,000 / $50,000 for bodily injury of every person in an accident.

Since it is mandatory for all drivers to have Nebraska car insurance, the same applies for rental cars. These should also carry the minimum liability coverage as set by the State’s laws. For this case, most Nebraska car insurance policies cover car rentals. The same case applies for credit cards. This calls for one to check their policy or credit cards for car rental coverage. In case they are not included, then a driver in Nebraska must purchase rental car insurance from respective car Rental Company. This is usually provided at an extra rate of between $7 and $14 per day.

The laws on Nebraska car insurance also permit insurance companies to exclude household members from a policy. As with other cases, this is listed in the exclusions section. This includes a list of conditions that could render the insurance company free from paying a claim. Therefore, it is very important to check Nebraska car insurance policy before signing.

If in any case a driver’s insurance policy lapses, then they must renew it fastest time possible. Failure to this, the motor vehicle department of Nebraska suspends driving privileges. This remains the case until one provides the proof of Nebraska car insurance.

The state of Nebraska follows the Tort system. This means Nebraska car insurance is enforced under the Tort laws. The laws simply mean that a driver must be found as cause of any accident. This driver is termed as at fault and is responsible for all damage caused by the accident. This way, the driver’s insurance company pays for the damages. In this case, most Nebraska ca insurance companies recommend motorists to carry higher coverage than the minimum set by the State.

Nebraska car insurance laws also require that drivers carry the proof of financial responsibility all the time. There are though some vehicle exceptions for this responsibility. Dealer plated vehicles are examples that do not require proof of insurance. Failure to produce proof of insurance responsibility, a driver is fined up to $500. The driver’s license and vehicle registration are also suspended for this case. There are also registration reinstatement fees to meet.

