Cars Cars

Review Of Rims Car Cleaner

Published at 04/01/2012 14:39:53


Just because the paint of the car rims don’t present major scratches does not mean that the surface is smooth as it used to be. There are many types of small defects and if they re not corrected, they could affect the car rims on the long term. This is why you should evaluate the state of the rims, and to determine the next steps needed to take care of them.

The most common car rims solution is an argyle, such as Quick Clay. This is more like a kit formed by argyle and a solution called Quick Detailer, a cleaning product. Using argyle will make sure that the life duration of the paint is longer, and the car rims will look the same as they looked in the first day.


What is the difference between polishing and waxing the car rims?

A polish is a substance that eliminates the smooth scratches, creating a shining surface that can never be matched by wax. This is why it is important to polish the car rims first, and to wax it later to protect the shining aspect and to expand the life duration of the rims.

It is also important to determine what kind of wax is suited for the car rims. The modern formulas used to manufacture the liquid wax give those solution the same effect as the one obtained with solid wax, and this is why the liquid wax such as Gold Class Liquid Wax are recommended.


What is the Carnauba Wax for car rims?

The Carnauba Wax for car rims is the strongest natural wax existing on the market. This wax is added in the formula of Meguiar’s Wax, making it the most durable and reliable protection method for car rims. However, this is also the most expensive, considering the incredible results you will obtain with this wax.

Are the colored car rims waxes effective?

First, there are thousands of colors used to paint rims every year. For example, some companies offer 100 tones of red. It is not possible to match the exact color of the paint with the rims, so it is better to use the colorless car rims waxes.

Moreover, the majority of waxes used today have a superior layer of substance with no color pigments. If you add a pigment of colored wax, you will create an artificial effect that will look weird, as the pigments from the wax will pale as the time passes. Just imagine applying hand cream on a glass and you will understand why colored car rims wax is not recommended. If you are looking to restore the natural color of the car rims, Meguiar’s Color X will be the recommended solution.

Tips and comments

Preparing and washing the surface is not the same thing. Washing the surface represents the process of removing the dirt from the car rims, and preparing the surface is a separate process having the purpose to remove the old paint or other contaminating substances that can’t be removed during normal washing.
