Donate Your Car To Charity
Cars Cars

Donate Your Car To Charity

Published at 04/05/2012 12:26:24


Donate Your Car To Charity

It is always good to donate things to the needy ones. Sharing is the best thing that every person should do. Nowadays, it is very common that people donate their prized possession to the orphanages, hospitals, community centre, old age homes, etc. The most common thing is to donate your car which can be old or new. Donating your old car has its benefits, such as you will feel better about doing something good for the society and get tax rebate. Donating your car to the charity is very simple, but always be careful of the different fraudulent companies. Donate your car but keep in mind the 5 important aspects that we are going to discuss below.


There are many numerous advertisers who advertise about the service that will help you to donate your car to the charity. They even advertise this on the radios, television, billboards, and distribute pamphlets. What they usually do is that they sell your vehicle and keeps about 60 to 80% of the profit with them and the rest of the money goes to the charity. In this case, the charity organization doesn’t get the amount they totally deserve. It is strongly advised that you should avoid any such middleman who is providing this kind of service. It does not mean that there aren’t any genuine companies, but try to avoid it as much as possible.

There may be few charities which won’t accept this kind of charity. Try to find those genuine charities who advertise about the “Donate your car to the charity.” You can find the link of many charities using the Google search. Donate your car to a reputed charity so that you can be satisfied with your effort and get some rebate on the tax. Extensive search on the internet can be very helpful; try to do that before doing anything stupid.

additional information

It is better to know the true value of the car. It is common sense that you will donate your car in such a charity that will give you more value for the car. Some organization gives only few dollars for that particular car without taking the consideration about the fact that the car might have more value, and some charity organization gives you about $2500 per month which comes under the tax deduction jurisdiction.

Make sure that the charity you are giving away your car is eligible and it is government approved, which will make you eligible for the tax deduction. The easiest way is through the government website and search for the government approved charity which provides you with tax deduction scheme. After finding the genuine and government approved charity, donate your car. It is better that you do the delivery as much third-party company can destroy it, and it will save the cost of transportation of the charity.


It is important to have proper documents which reveal that you have given the car. This is necessary because government organization wants to verify that, whether you have actually given your car or not. A proper document will be crossed checked with the charity, if they have sold your car to get some money out of it. Donate your car but keep in mind these important points.
