Computers Data Transfer and Recovery

10 Amazing Tips For Data Disk Recovery

Published at 03/25/2012 22:03:09


The worst thing that could happen to you these days is your computer losing all its files cause of a virus or system crash. Your hard disk loses all of its data including your personal pictures, videos and personal Documents that are probably irreplaceable. So what do you do at a time like this? Probably hope that the computer geek can find a way to recover all your data and save your files but that's not always possible.

Well, luckily new Windows systems have a default setting for most applications that allow data recovery, such as Microsoft Office but what about all the saved files? We need much more protection for better disk recovery. Well, most of the times when your system crashes most of your data is lost, sometimes by some chance they get saved but one things for sure, you can always prevent or minimize your loss by simply following these ten tips for data disk recovery.

Step 1

First, the basic rule of protecting data is to regularly make back-ups. Backups are extremely necessary especially in case of office use. Today you get external hard drives and antivirus software to protect your data out of the computer system. Hard disks from 1 TB up to 4 TB are available at very affordable prices and this means you can backup your entire systems at least twice so even if there is a system crash you can do an easy recover of the data in the hard disk from an external drive.

Step 2

Second, if its your operating system that crashed then try using another PC to read the disk. If you use a Windows system then remove the hard drive from the computer system and install it in a clean system and back up the data in a external removable disk. This can also be done for Mac users. All you have to do is use a fire wire cable to connect your current hard disk to a healthy Mac system. This will allow the clean Mac to read the hard disk and display and make a recovery all your data.

Step 3

If you're connected to a network, always shut down your computer and all the programs. Other workstations can access and remote control a PC in the same network, given the users are qualified enough to do so. Also always properly shutting down your computer avoids system crash and allows recovery of data from a disk that programs were able to save due to proper shut down.

Step 4

Always use good antivirus software. A lack of antivirus programs can lead your system open to threats and dangers. Only use licensed antivirus programs to save from the hassle of recovery of data from disk.

Step 5

A lot of people use software that replicates all data on a regular basis to another server in a network or an external disk. This helps you to have an automatic update of all your data available in another storage unit allowing you to have recoverable data all the time. This means you can make recovery of your data any time.

Step 6

If you use the replication software then make sure it is properly replicating the files. Some software aren't able to make recovery over the WAN networks so this needs to corrected otherwise you end up not having a back-up and losing all the data on the disk.

Step 7

Use Virtual Tape Libraries (VTLs). These tape backups allow fast restoration of corrupted files. They can also help you in the recovery of deleted data from your disk and always make sure you have at least 30 days of space in them all the time.

Step 8

Beware of programs that repair or fix diagnostic problems. Some antivirus programs do this and delete files they think are potential threats and end up deleting important files on the disk. Instead of ending up making recovery of lost data, be on your toes.

Step 9

Prepare for power surge problems. Most countries suffer from power shortages and computers end up with power surges going up and down. Proper use of surge protectors will help prevent system crashing due to constant switch off when power goes off. You won't be able to make recovery of data if hard disk fails.

Step 10

Never try doing a repair or recovery without experience or guidance. Trying to remove the hard disk or installing programs for data recovery should be done only with availability of full knowledge.

Tips and comments

These are some popular hints to help you with data disk recovery. Disk recovery is a complex process, try to keep a backup of your data at all times.


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