Diseases Cancer

How To Connect With Other Cancer Patients

Published at 02/13/2012 22:21:18


Cancer is one of the most depressing and discouraging diseases to have because it features different signs and symptoms and can affect people of any age regardless of occupation, social status and background. Since there is no true cure to the problem at present, cancer patients can get a lot of help through therapeutic communication and relating with others who also have the same health condition. They can discuss their feelings and ideas about the disease more openly. Here are some tips on how to look for the right parties.

Step 1

In hospitals, cancer patients going for their regular treatment or check-up can meet other people who also have the same problem. Cancer patients will most likely be referred to the same doctors, depending on the part of the body affected. The patients can then exchange numbers, discuss while in the waiting room or arrange to meet somewhere else at a later date. They will most likely meet patients who also have cancer at the same stage, on the same body part and at the same age. It's usually more common for people of the same age to relate with each other because they can share coping methods according to their physical capabilities and experience.

Step 2

Family and friends. One of the best ways for cancer patients to connect with each other is by visiting friends or contacts who also have the same disease. It is not common for cousins, neighbors or colleagues to have cancer at the same time. It will be a great opportunity for them to talk and discuss their options for treatment. They can also motivate each other to keep battling the disease and hopefully find ways to alleviate the symptoms or let the condition relapse.

Step 3

The internet. Social networking sites and special online discussion boards made especially for cancer patients are ideal places where people can learn more about the causes, effects and treatments of the disease. Most visitors have cancer themselves and will share their own experiences to encourage others to maintain good health and continue with radiation therapy or chemotherapy. There are several tools that will help people get rid of depressed feelings as they battle the dreaded condition such as web cameras, chat rooms, message boards, video uploads and status posts. People usually share motivational quotes, home tips on fighting cancer and real life experiences online.

Step 4

Cancer groups. There are a number of special agencies and private groups that specifically cater to cancer patients. Many of the organizers are cancer survivors and will ask the patients to meet and gather 1 to 4 times each month. The goal of the group is to help people cope with the debilitating effects of the disease as well as motivate others by sharing their own experiences. The patients will be provided with helpful information and given referral to some of the best clinics, doctors and organizations available to help.

Step 5


The families of the patients must also look for friends and contacts who can relate well with them in the next several months or years.


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