Finance Credit Cards

Bad Credit: Can I Qualify For a Credit Card?

Published at 03/26/2012 22:51:37


In the midst of the current economic downturn which is threatening to cripple many economies, having a poor credit score is becoming very common. Credit lenders can get very picky on who they wish to advance credit to, you can’t blame them, times are hard. Your credit score will play a major role in determining whether or not a particular company will grant you funds. Normally, a score of 700 points and above is considered good. Scores below 600 are termed as poor. The good thing is that scores are not permanent and you have a chance to repair them. Ironically, the best way to repair your poor scores is applying for credit; it almost feels like returning to the crime scene. If you have learned anything from your poor credit situation, you will use a bad credit credit card to rebuild your credit rating. Lenders may have sneered at you when you went to apply for a loan or you may have been denied auto insurance. It’s time to turn this situation around, and some sacrifices are in order, such as wiser spending habits, leaving within your means and making necessary budget cards.


A bad credit credit card is designed for people who cannot qualify for the mainstream deals. For starters you may have to settle for higher interest rates, but if you keep making timely payments you can negotiate for a better offer or simply jump ship to a better provider. There are many companies offering bad credit cards and this means that you can get a good deal if you are patient enough to search. These cards are also ideal for people with no credit history. Sadly, no credit history is almost synonymous to having poor credit. Either way you have to build your rating to gain the confidence of lenders and join the mainstream card world.


There are numerous benefits of applying for a bad credit credit card. These cards give you an avenue to demonstrate to lenders that you are capable of managing and paying your debts. If you use the bad credit credit card on a regular basis without maxing out your limit and making timely payments, your credit rating will improve. Basically these types of cards give you a second chance, so it’s advisable that you use it wisely. Once you have won the confidence of the lenders, you can go for a main stream card which has a lower interest rate and enjoy more credit facilities.

Tips and comments

Before applying for a bad credit credit card, have a look at your credit report and ensure that there are no errors or omissions. Beware of providers who may want to take advantage of your situation by offering you ridiculously high rates. Having a poor score is not a life sentence; do not be too desperate to accept a shoddy deal. Take advantage of online comparison sites and compare quotes and rates from different providers to get the best deal before applying for bad credit credit card.


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