Finance Credit

Degree Accredited Information

Published at 03/13/2012 20:57:51


Higher learning has always played a major role in our societies and the young and the old alike seek this education. However, a few institutions may fleece you of your hard earned money and offer nothing of value in return. Find out how you can avoid such situations. 

Degree Accredited Information

Each year, many students fall victim to degree mills and accreditation mills. After spending years and lot of money in your education, it is disheartening to find out that you were dealing with a dubious institution that gives bogus degree accredited certification.

On a quest to seek higher learning and stay at par with everyone, it is easy for anyone to fall prey to such incidences. However, before you sign up for a course at any institution, it is better to confirm that the degree accredited is genuine.

The first place you can look through before you submit your application is the internet. The website of the dubious institution may be full of praise from ‘álumni’ and ‘on-going students’ may be there to give great reviews. The only way to know whether their degree accredited is genuine is to visit the various state links that have a list of approved institutions in each state. It is that simple. 

More Information

Beware of the names of the institutions as they may be confusing. You may think that you are studying in a certain institution with genuine degree accredited programs only to learn later that their name is similar to that of an approved institution. Make sure you double check.

Ensure that you get as much information about the institution as possible. Find out how you get the degree accredited. If you are asked to purchase the accreditation status, weigh your options. A fake will want to make as much money from you as possible so be careful when paying for different items. There are things you probably would not be asked to pay for ordinarily. Ensure that you get receipts and store them for future reference.

Find out whether the institutions listed as degree accredited from that institution actually know about this. In most times, these institutions claim to have accredited degrees from much higher placed learning institutions. This is one of the biggest traps as most students will trust the higher placed learning institutions. However, such affiliations are not always obvious and some of the institutions mentioned may be unaware of the use of their names. 

Tips and comments

Also pay close attention to the operations in the institution. Look at your program and how long it is to last. Although most students would rather walk in and out of school with their degree accredited in equal speed, you have to ensure that the period is realistic. If the course is too short and easy to get, you may be dealing with a quack.

Consider the academic prowess of the institution before one qualifies for the degree accredited. You have to see the effort one puts in and see it pay off in their results. Also find out what the requirements for getting a degree are. A good institution should have a final project and their exams should be set or certified by external well known institutions. If however, your degree does not require hard work, think twice. 
