How To Buy a Home Without Credit
Finance Credit

How To Buy a Home Without Credit

Published at 03/23/2012 16:16:42


How To Buy a Home Without Credit

Buying home without credit is not impossible. We live in a world that is obsessed with credit and purchasing things on credit. Some of us live in a economic situation in which we do need credit to help pay the bills. There are others who will have to the money to buy what they need and still use a credit card to pay purchases. This is not for savings and is actually a terrible way to financial plan with some credit cards. Some financial planner will advise those who are not trying to build a credit rating and have the cash to spare to purchase a home with credit. This means purchasing with the use of cash.

Step 1

This is great for someone who saves up their money and is then able to buy a home that they need. Purchasing without credit is also handy to know that you will not be stuck in a mortgage for the rest of your life. Some people’s mortgages last longer than their marriages do. Keep things in mind when you go to purchase a home and would like to buy a home without credit. Here are some helpful tips to find your next home and not be under the debt of credit is possible to successfully purchase a home without credit.

Step 2

One of the main things you should do is start your search for a home and saving money towards a home at the earliest convenience. Some people will start from as early as 18 to save for a home. This might seem like a dramatic thing to do at such an age, but think of being able to not have to pay interest on your mortgage. A financial planner will be key to helping your save. It is just a matter of putting some money aside every month.

Step 3

You should put any surplus income into a savings account and then you will be able to have some to pay for your new home without credit. Another way to buy a home without credit is to use a scheme that helps homeowners try to rebuild their lives. Schemes such as habitat for humanity will allow you to help build the home and just pay a small percent of the costs for the home. You will need to work off volunteer to help build other homes. This might seem like hard work, but it is cheaper than having to pay a mortgage for the next 30 years. These type of building schemes are great when you want to purchase a home without credit.

Step 4

Another type of home scheme you can use is a shared purchase scheme. This is when you purchase a home and only buy shares in its owner ship. You will only have to put in less only in to the owning of your home. Thus it is possible to get a home that is purchased without credit.

Step 5

If you would like ore ownership in the home, you will just need to purchase a higher amount of share. This is a great type of home purchase, because it allows a couple or an individual to not have to put themselves into debt to purchase a home without credit.


Instead they can have a nice place to live and own shares in a apartment building, and all of the benefits that go along with it.

Sources and Citations
