Finance Credit

10 Amazing Tips For Expert Credit

Published at 04/05/2012 02:38:07


A good credit score is highly important. A bad credit score can make it very hard to purchase many things. If you want to rent an apartment its likely you'll need a credit check. Buying a vehicle and getting a credit card require credit checks as well. All of the things mentioned want these credit checks to see if you are worthy. They want to make sure you will pay the bills that you will incur if they rent you an apartment. Buying a care means borrowing the money and getting a loan. So good credit is most likely the only way a lender will give you the loan to get the vehicle of your choice. Expert credit is needed for many things. Having expert credit will allow for a better interest rate as well. It's fairly easy to keep good credit.

Step 1

First thing is to pay all of your utility bills and credit card bill payments on time every time. Even one late payment can cause your credit to have bad points. So save yourself the negative hits against your credit by setting up bill pay. Bill pay is an automatic payment system for your bills. Set up your payments to automatically come out of a checking or savings account every month. This way a bill payment is never late and does not affect credit negatively plus gives you expert credit.


Step 2

Another great tip to keeping expert credit is to not apply for credit or do something that would have a company check your credit report too often. Every time a credit report is pulled on someone it affects the credit score negatively.






Step 3

If you open credit card accounts, do not just open one type of account. It is best to have a revolving store credit account and other types of accounts as well. Besides having a revolving retail store credit card account open up a major credit card account also. Have a revolving line of credit account to use and pay off in a timely manner. A mortgage would be good as well. All of these things show positive on a credit history. Another way of keeping expert credit.

Tips and Comments

If you have an old credit card, such as the first credit card you have ever applied for and was approved for, keep it open. It is best to use the credit card every so often routinely so that the card account does not close. This is good because if you use the card and then pay the balance as soon as the bill comes it has a very positive affect on your expert credit score. Also if the card has been opened for a long amount of time it provides for a longer amount of good credit history.

Never apply for a loan or another credit card unless you truly need it. It is not a good idea to keep opening new accounts. The more times your credit is looked at the hits against it. Pull your credit report once a year yourself. It is a good idea to do this because you want to keep a close watch on your credit. This also helps to prevent identity theft.  Expert credit is not to hard to have if you pay things on time and keep things minimal.
