Finance Credit

10 Amazing Tips For Credit Free Score

Published at 02/24/2012 14:44:45


Everyone likes to have a credit free score. This is not a hard task and entails implementing the following ten amazing tips.

Step 1

The first tip is getting a copy of your credit reports from major credit bureaus. This report bears the list of accounts that deteriorate your credit score and the okay ones. Work on the ones hurting your score and you are on the way to a credit free score.

Step 2

The second tip is disputing the credit reports that contain errors. You achieve this through writing to the credit bureau or creditor to have them removed. Their removal will automatically lead to credit free score. These errors hurt the credit score over a great percentage.

Step 3

The third tip for credit free score is avoiding new credit card purchases as much as possible. These purchases usually raise your credit utilization which is the ratio between your credit limit and credit card balances. It is better to pay for your purchases in cash as paying on credit card increases your balances.

Step 4

Tip four for credit free score involves paying past due balances. This entails making sure that your balances are not further behind. It is always good to make your credit card payments before get changed off. They could also be sent to a collection agency that leads hurts your credit score.

Step 5

The fifth credit free score tip is making sure you don’t apply for a new credit card. Taking another credit card could not lead you to a credit free score. These inquiries simply hurt your score more. You should also avoid opening a new credit account.

Step 6

The sixth tip is leaving your accounts open. This is mostly for those accounts with balances. Before making any step of closing your credit card accounts, you should check to see that they don’t affect your credit. This is by simply checking if the accounts have balances and if not, just leave them open as closing does not get you to credit free score.

Step 7

Tip seven is making contact with your creditors. This might sound awkward but these people could be of great help towards a credit free score. These should be people to contact especially when you are in trouble. They might end up reducing your monthly payments till you recover.Thus improving you credit free score.

Step 8

Making sure you pay off your debts is the eighth tip. Debt counts to 30 percent of your credit score. Paying these debts thus leads you to credit free score. This call for finding any sacrifice to get speed the debt pay.

Step 9

The 9th tip involves seeking professional help. You could visit consumer credit counseling procedures for this kind of help. It is easy to get credit counseling agencies through foundations for such counseling. These professionals always assist you to achieve credit free score.

Step 10

Lastly, as tip number ten, patience and persistence should always be maintained in credit free score. These two values help you go through your credit score repair with ease. It takes time to improve your credit score and that calls for patience. You should go on settling your debts so as to achieve credit free score.


Sources and Citations
