Spa Products That Treat Acne
Health Spa

Spa Products That Treat Acne

Published at 02/06/2012 21:46:11


Spa Products That Treat Acne

Acne has long been a major problem faced by girls, especially during their growing age. Acne usually appears on the face most prominently covering the cheeks, forehead and chin. Although acne is more prevalent during young age, it also appears in middle age as well. This is due to the intake of certain medicines or food that causes acne. Foods and medicines that have a warm effect like chocolates and dry fruits cause acne the most. There is no proper solution to this problem as it is caused by the hormonal changes in the body. However, certain spa products are available to deal with it. These spa products temporarily remove the acne but do not guarantee future appearance of it.


Spa Products That Treat Acne

Spa products have long been used at homes to treat various skin problems among which acne is a major and most frequent one. They are also used to make skin look fresh and remove scars and black heads. These products keep our skin lively and soft. They are used as alternatives to manicure, pedicure and facial. They have been cleansing and polishing skins without causing any harmful side effects. They can also be prepared at homes using the home made recipes and natural products. Hence, they often consist of nutritious materials that enhance our skin and make it wrinkle free.


Spa Products That Treat Acne

The spa products that are prepared at homes, aid at treating acne and make skin look fresh and lively. The preparation of these products does not involve any harmful chemicals and ingredients. However, they are prepared using simple natural products available at home via easy recipes. First is the garlic mask that is prepared using crushed garlic and simply applying it to the face. Second is the tomato-honey mask that includes camphor lotion, tomato juice and honey. Honey is considered very healthy for the skin. The milk lime peel is made using boiled milk by mixing lemon juice and glycerin in it. Among the toners and tonic is the basil tonic that is prepared using boiled water and basil leaves soaked in it. The vinegar-honey toner constitutes vinegar and honey, cooled in refrigerator and then applied to face. The peppermint face tea is a useful tonic that is made by boiling water and adding peppermint tea bag in it. Aloe thyme tonic is considered the best among all. It includes the Aloe Vera juice that is stored in refrigerator and strained leaving the liquid behind. This is then applied to the infected area with acne using cotton balls. Apart from these home made recipes there are a number of other products like scrubs, facial masks and cleansers available in market, that aid in improving the quality of the skin.

Tips and Comments

Thus, it is clear that spa products contribute a lot in removing acne. Even the spots and scars of acne are removed by home made recipes. These include the application of toothpaste on the spots or making a mixture of egg white and corn flour and rubbing it over the infected area of the skin. These remedies have proved to be very useful as well.
