Health Surgery

What To Expect After Implants Surgery

Published at 02/17/2012 19:48:36


As after any surgery you need to recover but after an implants surgery you need to be more careful because there are many risks you surely don’t want to put your life and your body in danger. We are going to talk about what you have to expect after an implants surgery. Of course the recovery is different from person to person, some women deal with it very easy and recover very quick and without any complications, while other women have more hard time of recovering and that depends not only on the doctor but of your body and the amount of time you give your body to heal. Many women experience nausea and vomiting but there are also some medications that you can take during implants surgery and that will help you to avoid stomach problems.

You will also wear a special bra after an implants surgery and the doctor will instruct you how to wear it and for how long. During  recovery, you may feel pressure in the chest because implants are placed under your muscles. You may also feel stiffness in the morning, and this stiffness can persist for a couple of weeks but as the days passes by you will feel more comfortable. You could also have a back pain because you will try to protect your chest and you will walk with your shoulders hunched forward and not maintaining the right posture of your body can give you back pains. Also because you will take some medication you may lost your appetite but as soon as you recover and you will not be taking any pills, your appetite will return to normal. You may have stabbing pains that indicate nerve regeneration and they are very common. After the implants surgery your body suffers a shock and will require lots of energy to recover and that is why you might feel tired most of the time and in this cases if your body needs that energy you should rest as much as you can. You are also not allowed to drive, fly, or carry heavy things.


Putting arms up over the head will be absolutely out of the question for a few days so it may be helpful to have somebody at home that can help when it’s needed.  For example, when you need to get a bath, a shower, to get dressed, and other similar things. If you don’t listen the doctor’s orders and you try to return to your daily chores you may put yourself in danger and also can cause complications and slow down your recovery. Every woman that has been passing through an implants surgery has to be very careful at least four weeks after the implants surgery. Indeed there are many risks and you had to take care but it is well worth it in the end.
