Health Surgery

What Types Of Games Surgery Are Available

Published at 02/24/2012 23:35:57


The latest trends prevailing in the gaming world is that of the virtual surgery games. In this world of rapid technological advancement, where news and information is made available in a matter of few seconds there are several online companies, who are offering free surgery games. The types of games surgery available on the internet, does not only offer a great source of entertainment, but they are also offering several benefits to not only adults, but to the older children in the similar fashion.


There are several types of games surgery available and a detailed view on each of the categorized surgery games is listed as follows:

Realistic Surgery Games

The realistic games surgery is:

• Knee replacement game: Replacing a knee, which is worn out needs to be cut down, saw and chisel out all the damaged parts of the knee along with placing a new metal or a plastic knee in that place. There are several surgical instruments provided to perform this function and is a very interesting games surgery, which you would not be playing every day.


Deep brain stimulation: The game is related to getting an electrical probe into the exact position of a person’s brain. The purpose of providing this electric current is to stop the attacks of Alzheimer disease from that of shaking. The initial step in this games surgery is to place the machine onto the exact position of the patient’s head and then dig a hole onto the skull. Now you push that electricity probe via the brain tissue and remember your hands should not shake at that time.

Lasik eye surgery game: This type of games surgery is associated with repairing the problem of bad vision by making several cuts within the surface of the eye. Making these cuts tends to change the shape of the eye and allows a better focus on the retina. A laser machine has been provided as a main tool in the game which will burn out a path in the cornea, but requires to be done carefully as if done wrong it might do more harm than good.

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Heart Surgery Games

This category also holds several games such as:

• Roller coaster heart game: Anesthetics are the major focus of this type of games surgery. In order to win the game, it is very important that you get the right amount of anesthetic gas within the patient to make them sleep while constantly watching the vital signs too.

Open heart surgery: This game basically involves the replacement of heart. All related surgical instruments are provided to use, which may vary from bovies to bone saw. The main element of this type of games surgery is that the heart pounding rate should not fall otherwise your patient will not provide you a successful open heart surgery record.

Heart games in one: There is several games surgery in one heart game, which includes heart valve replacement, heart transplanting surgery, surgery of hole in the heart, as well as heart bypass surgery. The basic purpose of developing this games surgery is to make the people aware, who are about to go from this process without scaring them to death.
