Health Surgery

What Schools Or Colleges Are Best For Student Who Want To Be Surgery Physicians?

Published at 03/05/2012 17:05:38


If you're interested in becoming a surgery physician, you've probably already wondered what colleges or universities offer the very best programs for your major and interest. There are a ton of great colleges for future surgery physicians within the United States. You need to research each and every one and decide which one you'd prefer. The best colleges for surgery physicians are located within all different parts of the US, as well as have varying tuition fee's.


Surgery physicians are typically trained within surgical residences. Students will be part of a surgical residence for approximately five years, sometimes more, depending on the specialty they are going for. There are many different specialties for surgery physicians, some of them mentioned below:


Surgery physicians in training will typically need to assist and help perform many hundreds of surgeries before they are ready to take their American Board of Surgery Qualifying Examination.


Some of the best surgery physician schools to attend are:

Ohio State University
University of Florida
University of South Florida
Michigan State University
New York University
Temple University
University of Arizona
University of Southern California
Wayne State University
University of Kansas
West Virginia University

In order to become a surgery physician, you need to posses certain skills and traits. Some of these skills and traits are: good manual dexterity, the ability to be efficient, the ability to be quick, independence, the ability to follow instructions and the ability to handle sterile instruments.

Tips and comments

If you want to be a surgery physician, you will need to be very motivated and determined as the process can take years. In order to be a surgery physician, you will have needed to get decent grades in high school as most colleges will not accept you if you have done poorly in high school. Taking accelerated classes in biology, chemistry, physics and math are suggested.

Next, in order to be a surgery physician, you will need to have received your bachelors degree. During this portion of your education, you would have needed to passed and excelled in classes such as biochemistry, general chemist and microbiology. During your years in college, it would be a good idea to volunteer in a healthcare setting. Once you've gotten close to ending your bachelor years, you will need to have taken and passed the the entrance exam for medical school, which is called The MCAT.

Once you've passed your MCAT, you will then need to start applying to medical schools to become a surgery physician. The application process is long and stressful, you will need several references. Along with references, you'll also need to interview with the school's that interested in you. Remember, each application you send out will cost you as all colleges require fee's for the application process.

Once you've been accepted into a medical school to become a surgery physician, you'll need to take an hands on approach and practice in clinics and hospitals. You will not be paid for the practice, instead this gives you the proper experience you need to excel in the surgery physician world.
