Health Surgery

Common Types Of Surgery Maxillofacial Treatments

Published at 03/15/2012 18:18:14


Having surgery maxillofacial is not fun for the person having the work done. There are some very common types of maxillofacial treatments and those include: denture procedures and jaw surgery. Both of these could include a disruption in the way you eat but depending on the procedure should bring you some relief if you are having a lot of pain.


Some of the most common jaw surgery maxillofacial includes protruding chin, buck teeth, and those whose jaws grow at different rates. With surgery, the jaw can be moved into the proper place. People whose jaws are not in the right place can have issues with chewing, with their tongue and lips and can also have speech problems. After having the jaw surgery, some people might end up having to wear a corrective device to fix their bite. This is done so that they can be certain they will have an aligned jaw that stays in place. Sometimes little wire or small rubber bands are used to keep the jaw in place.


Sometimes people need surgery maxillofacial if they have worn dentures for a while. The dentures tend to wear down the soft tissue of the gums, and after time this can cause pain in the mouth. If the pain is bad enough, it can cause you to not want to eat if this happens, you will most likely be a candidate for a bone graft. A bone graft can be done with small slivers of bone from other parts of your body, or sometimes a donor is used… This can help to alleviate any pain that you are having with the ill fitting dentures. Another common surgery maxillofacial that is being performed is surgery to cure sleep apnea. This is a measure that is taken only when the CPAP mask is not doing any good. The surgeon will go in and try either removing or tightening the tissue at the back of the throat. At the same time, most will usually remove both your tonsils and your adenoids. This could cure you from having problems with sleep apnea.
Some other types of common surgery maxillofacial include root canals with complications and impacted wisdom teeth that prove to be difficult. Wisdom teeth that tend to be close to the sinus cavity should be surgically removed so there is not a chance that the sinus cavity is injured during the removal. If the tissue is injured, this can lead to a host of complication that is often very painful to recover from.

Tips and comments

Having surgery maxillofacial is often a last resort for conditions that have passed the point of being taken care of by your regular dentist. But, there are those situations that do arise that are better to have the work done by a surgeon. If you are having an issue, the faster you can get it taken care of the better off you will be. If you do need to see a surgeon, follow any advice he gives you after the surgery for your recovery to be smooth and free of complications.
