Tummy Surgery For Flat Abs
Health Surgery

Tummy Surgery For Flat Abs

Published at 03/04/2012 20:20:59

You Don't Have to Settle for Flabby Abs!

Tummy Surgery For Flat Abs

Many women begin to suffer from tummy flab as they begin to have children. Sometimes, no matter how much you exercise, you still can't seem to lose tummy flab. It becomes frustrating when you continue to eat right and exercise and still have that tummy pooch that won't seem to go away. Sometimes tummy surgery is the only way to truly get that flat stomach that you long for! We all want to look our best. We long for flat stomachs, for toned abs. We want to look good in those skinny jeans and in our swimsuits! Tummy surgery is often a very viable option for those who have tried to lose weight and exercise and still have stomach fat.

Why Do Women Need Tummy Surgery?

Tummy Surgery For Flat Abs

When a women begins to have children, her abdominal muscles become stretched, often beyond repair. The muscles stretch beyond what they can return to. The skin becomes greatly stretched and this can cause a sagging pouch even after weight loss and exercise. This pouch never seems to go away no matter how hard the woman tries to get it to go away. Tummy surgery can tighten the stomach muscles and remove excess skin so that the tummy looks smooth. Once the excess skin is removed and muscles tightened back, the woman can begin to exercise and truly get sculpted abs. She can finally get that tummy back that she had in her youth. Don't let what child bearing and age has done to your stomach to make you feel self-conscious! You can do something about it! Tummy surgery can repair this damage and make you whole again!

About the Procedure

Tummy Surgery For Flat Abs

A tummy surgery normally takes between two and four hours, depending on the procedure that you are having done. A normal tummy tuck involves an incision above the pubic area. This incision area allows the scar to be hidden under your swimsuit or underwear. This seems to be the best place for a tummy incision. Any muscle repair will then be done and the surgeon will loosen the skin and then pull it taught to make a flat tummy. Tummy surgery then involves them stapling the skin into a tight line and the excess skin is then removed. This renews the tummy back to its original flat appearance and gives the stomach a smooth and beautiful look. The surgeon will then stitch the skin around your navel to reform your belly button and adhere the skin into its new location. This allows the skin to heal back into the new position and give a sculpted look.

Take Time to Heal!

It will take a few weeks for you to fully heal from tummy surgery. You will need someone to be with you through the first few days as you will not be able to move very well and will need assistance. You may experience quite a bit of discomfort in the beginning of your healing process. You will need to take the pain relievers that your doctor prescribes so that you will not be in terrible pain. Your doctor will let you know when you can return to your normal activity, but it will be sometime before you can do any strenuous activity or heavy lifting. Be mindful that you will need to take time to heal properly. Don't try to rush back into activity too soon or you can destroy the surgery results that you surgeon is trying to achieve!
