Health Surgery

Heart Bypass Surgery Complications

Published at 03/27/2012 05:58:35


Every medical procedure is accompanied by the risk of some complications. This is also true of heart surgery, such as heart bypass surgery. A bypass surgery means a surgery which is performed to 'bypass' a bit of the coronary artery which is blocked. A segment of the saphenous vein is taken from the thigh or lower leg of the patient, and it is inserted where the blockage is. This article will tell you about heart surgery complications.


Bleeding is something that may happen often and is on the major heart surgery complications. The bleeding may occur from the site of the incision or the area where the surgery has been performed.

Normal heart rhythm may be disturbed as a result of heart surgery complications. To correct this, an external and temporary pacemaker or an internal and permanent pacemaker may be needed.

Blood clots may also be formed after a heart bypass surgery. These blood clots, if they break lose after the surgery, may also lead to a heart attack.

Another heart surgery complication and a common one is the risk of infection. To avoid this, you need to make sure that the hospital you have the surgery at is a good one and hygienic conditions are maintained. The instruments used for the procedure should be sterilized. Also ask your doctor about what precautions you should take and how you should treat the chest wound to make sure that no infectious surgery complications arise.


What is important is that heart surgery complications can be dealt with. You only need to be aware of your body. If you feel anything is uncomfortable, or you see any signs of infection such as formation of pus, heat around the site of the incision, etc., you should talk to your doctor immediately and have them see the wound.

Also, have all the prescribed medicines, as they are meant to reduce the risk of heart surgery complications. A good and healthy diet, consisting of fresh fare such as fruits and vegetables and local produce should be consumed by you. Food to avoid includes dairy products, excess of meat and food with hidden calories such as cakes, biscuits etc.
After a heart bypass surgery, it is necessary that you give up smoking and an excess of alcohol.

Lifestyle changes are also called for after a heart bypass surgery. It was your lifestyle that put you in that place to begin with, and you should try to incorporate a better diet and not smoke after the surgery, to prevent long-term surgery complications.

How your health was before the heart surgery will determine the heart surgery complications you may face. It is a good idea to talk to your doctor about these things before you go in for your surgery, so that you are prepared for what is to come.

Tips and comments

Also, if you go in for a scheduled bypass surgery, there are fewer chances of complications. If the procedure has to be implemented as an emergency, the chances of heart surgery complications are increased significantly.
