Midlife Crisis And Plastic Surgery
Health Surgery

Midlife Crisis And Plastic Surgery

Published at 02/01/2012 01:15:03


Midlife Crisis And Plastic Surgery

Enter a world that comprises of perfect people; the perfect hair, the perfect glistening teeth, the right body, the right type of clothes, the right shoes… and the list goes on. In a world where there is no space except for perfectionists, terms like midlife crisis and plastic surgery do not come as a surprise. With the modernization of the world, changes to ones appearance are now becoming widely popular and acceptable. Adults never turn into old people now and are evergreen because they avail the options of change and plastic surgery to various parts of their bodies.


Midlife Crisis And Plastic Surgery

After a certain age, some men and women start to despise the way they look. They yearn to get back to the earlier, younger ages of their lives and to experience the same enthusiasm and practice the same kinds of activities as they did when they were in their teens or in their twenties. Usually after crossing into their 40s, people tend to want to revert back their lives and wish for the complacency and joy that they once enjoyed. This results in some people taking part in crash diets to lose weight, some engage motorcycle riding, some leave their present spouses only to look for younger ones while some finding remedy to their aging and midlife crisis by resorting to alterations to their faces and plastic surgery. The question that dwells in the minds of the majority of the people is: Why can’t I look better with age just like Patrick Dempsy or Sandra Bullock? There are several symptoms of midlife crisis. However, the common ones include mood swings and depression. The reasons for feeling a deep felt midlife crisis can be varied; for women, it may be that they have a self doubt about their professions or psychological issues rooting from problems with spouses who wish to re-live their younger years by marrying someone who is younger, it may also stem from the fact that in their 40s and 50s they are usually done with their duties of the provision of educational and other necessities for their children and find little meaning in their lives now.


Midlife Crisis And Plastic Surgery

There are varying opinions as to whether age is the binding factor that causes midlife crisis for many. Researchers argue that there is more to it; there are things more stressful than just the age factor. According to Freud, when people reach their midlife, they are continuously haunted by the fear of impending death. They start to believe that they have a limited time to spend in this world now and they tend to reflect back on their youthful years in order to counter this fear. One way they do this is by blending in the current environment and adopting what is "in" by going through physical changes and plastic surgery.

Tips and comments

Although, a majority of people do tend to be stressful during their midlives, the reason may not solely be attributed to age and this can not necessarily mean that they would seek refuge in new found, younger love and plastic surgery.
