What Is Surgery Gastric Bypass?
Health Surgery

What Is Surgery Gastric Bypass?

Published at 02/06/2012 22:39:53


What Is Surgery Gastric Bypass?

If If you are considered morbidly obese you should really consider doing something about it. When you are over weight, it causes you to have several health issues and you can actually die from it. If you have tried to diet and have taken off some weight but not enough, it may be time to consider Gastric Bypass Surgery. You may be asking yourself what is surgery gastric bypass and how can it help you? It is basically a surgery that will make your stomach smaller and help save your life. When you are morbidly over weight, it can cause you to have diabetes, high blood pressure and sleep apnea. People have been known to die because they were morbidly obese and their heart just gave out. When considering this type of surgery, you will have to under go counseling and an in-depth health exam.


What Is Surgery Gastric Bypass?

Gastric bypass was first established when a doctor, Dr. Cesar Roux developed the procedure to help people with gastrointestinal obstructions. He started using the procedure back in 1892, but stopped because of all the different complications from the surgery and the high death rate that was associated with it. It was not first used to help people lose weight but more for obstructions in the stomach. In the 70’s, is when the surgery was first done to limit the food intake and help those that were morbidly obese. Surgery Gastric Bypass how evolved from just a small pouch to an adjustable band that can be put into the stomach. The surgery has also evolved from an open surgery to a laparoscopic surgery that can be done on through the navel. The complications have also dropped and not as many people suffer from months of complications like they once did. The recovery time has also been shortened because the surgery is much easier now days.


What Is Surgery Gastric Bypass?

One of the best features after having surgery gastric bypass done is weight loss. This helps people that are morbidly obese quickly lose weight and start to take control of their health again. Most patients will lose weight within the first couple of weeks after having the surgery done, and it is mostly water weight. The thing to be careful of after having surgery gastric bypass is getting the nutrients that your body still needs. You should discuss with your doctor if you need a vitamin supplement. Having your food intake cut drastically will sometimes cause you to feel weak and tired. This could be caused not by the lack of food you are consuming but the nutritional value of the food. Another thing that people have experienced is sagging skin. When you are morbidly obese, your skin is stretched and will not shrink back to the normal way it should be. Most people after having the surgery will also undergo tummy tucks and liposuction to get the skin tight again.

Tips and Comments

If you are considering this surgery gastric bypass because it is causing you extreme health issues because of being morbidly obese, the best thing that you can do is talk with your doctor and follow their advice. You need to be committed to the program, which does not end after you have the surgery. You will still need counseling after to help you deal with the new changes in your body, attitude and those that are around you.
