How To Prepare For a Stay in a Surgery Center
Health Surgery

How To Prepare For a Stay in a Surgery Center

Published at 02/15/2012 15:45:48


How To Prepare For a Stay in a Surgery Center

A surgery center is a medical facility that offers a surgical procedure. The term surgery is defined as treatments that involve incisions and stitches on the skin. However, surgery is a broad field and can mean different procedures. These techniques range from removing tissues and skin, unblocking passages, or replacing a bone. Whether it is an elective, emergency, or urgent surgery, a stay in a surgery center requires some form of preparation.

Step 1

Prepare yourself physically

If you already know that you are going to a surgery center for a minor or major operation, make sure that you are physically fit as much as possible. Being in a good state of health prior to going on an operating table increases your chances of recovering quicker once surgery is completed. Stitches have to heal and you need all the strength you can muster to get back to pre-surgery form. Adopting good nutrition habits and taking vitamin supplements prior to a stay in a surgery center also help.

Step 2

Condition your state of mind

No one wants to go to a surgery center out of a whim, although there are people who elect to have surgery due to personal reasons such as improving the physical appearance. There are no medical grounds for these types of surgery. Nonetheless, it is a scary thought and the possibilities that something can go wrong are there. However, it does not help to dwell on these unnecessarily. It’s vital that you are mentally prepared before going to a surgery center. Try to stay as relaxed as possible.

Step 3

Follow specific guideline before going to the surgery center

After you have done all the physical tests that determine if you are fit enough to undergo surgery, you will be given a set of guidelines to follow. One of these critical instructions is to avoid eating and drinking 8 hours before going to the surgery center. The main reasoning behind this is that drugs that are administered might induce vomiting so it’s best to avoid them and other unwanted side effects.

Step 4

Avoid alcohol and cigarettes

Doctors will usually tell you that alcohol must be avoided before going to the surgery center. Follow this and if possible, do it a few days or even a week before the operation. There is a reason for this as alcohol inhibits the effects of anesthesia before surgery. In addition, it can damage the liver and cause unnecessary complications during surgery. Tobacco smoking on the other hand, affects the rhythm of the heart and the function of the lungs.

Step 5

Think about a back up supply of your own blood

If you blood group is a rare type, discuss this with your doctor and think about getting a supply of your own blood group in case you need blood transfusions. While this is pre-emptive, being ready is always an advantage.


How To Prepare For a Stay in a Surgery Center
  • Removing nail polish and artificial nails is also helpful in preparing yourself for the surgery center. The oxygen monitor will be attached to the finger and there should be no interference so that the device can work accurately.
  • Do not wear any jewelry, hearing aids, and false dentures before going to the surgery for safety.
