Health Surgery

the Cost Of Surgery in Mexico Versus the United States

Published at 02/09/2012 16:10:26


Generally, people in the United States are concerned about the growing cost of surgery. Several factors can actually increase the total price, such as the surgeon's fee for consultation, the actual operation and post-surgery appointments, the anesthesia and anaesthesiologist fees, operating room and surgery supplies and equipment costs, hospital admission and other miscellaneous items like clothes, bandages, etc. Some people are opting to go to Mexico instead to get cheaper prices while maintaining safety and quality.


The cost of surgery in the United States is generally higher compared to Mexico because of the clinic or hospital. Several places in America are already renowned on a national or international level so patients are actually paying a premium for the brand or franchise. If people go to stand-alone hospitals instead that are still rated well and maintain quality standards of surgery and care, the prices and fees can go down significantly. There are many clinics in Mexico that offer excellent services at lower prices.


The surgeons. The cost of surgery will also vary depending on the reputation and experience of the surgeon and how many professionals are needed for the type of procedure. This is similar as choosing more popular hospitals over others that still offer the same type of service and facilities. Patients might be paying a premium for getting services from a well-known doctor. If they choose to fly to Mexico instead and look for reputable surgeons in the area, they will cut off fees by a large amount.

The type of procedure. The type of procedure will determine the cost of surgery as well because it will specify the particular equipment, tools and materials needed. It will also indicate how large the surgical team should be and require a number of pre-operative and post-operative tests. The available equipment and machines in Mexico will particularly cater to Mexican residents so Americans will find it cheaper to undergo surgery because of conversion rates. They can expect the same brand or type of tools and materials used at a lower price.

Surgery packages. Surgery in the United States does not usually include vacation packages unlike approaches in Mexico and other parts of the world. Surgery vacation packages are created by Mexican health institutions in partnership with tourism agencies to boost profit and growth. Americans can pay the same amount or even lower undergoing surgery in Mexico plus enjoy a vacation during the recovery period. Paying for just the surgery in America will be equal to getting the same quality of work, plus hotel accommodations, airfare, city tours, food and drinks at particular restaurants for a few days in Mexico.

Tips and comments

Continue to compare the cost of surgery between small clinics and hospitals in the United States and Mexico. There are still places in America that are relatively more affordable without compromising on equipment, detail and professionalism. Call the institution and ask for a consultation and quotation. Every surgical procedure, elective or emergency will cost thousands of dollars so it's best to consider the options wisely.
