List Of the Types Of Surgery Obesity
Health Surgery

List Of the Types Of Surgery Obesity

Published at 02/15/2012 16:56:21


List Of the Types Of Surgery Obesity

Morbid obesity is becoming a real problem in the United States and not only is it affecting the middle aged, but it is also starting to become a problem among young adults. There is a chart that can tell you based on your height and weight if you are considered obese, severely obese or morbidly obese. Morbidly obese people have many different health issues that include: high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, and have hard time breathing and get winded very easily. Most that are morbidly obese have a shorter life span than someone of normal weight. Part of this is from complications from being overweight and from the heart having to work harder. People that are obese have also tried every diet known to man, and most have had little success. Their last hope is surgery obesity to try and get the problem under control.


List Of the Types Of Surgery Obesity

There are many different types of gastric surgery obesity that is offered to people who have a weight problem. You have to be committed to wanting the change and willing to make the change for the rest of your life. Gastric bypass is one of the surgery obesity that you can have done. One of the conditions that you have to have first includes having comorbid conditions, meaning you are morbidly overweight and have other health issues like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart problems and trouble breathing. Having a BMI higher than 40 or 35 and one or more comorbid conditions makes you a candidate for gastric bypass. This surgery can be done as laparoscopic and is as effective as having open surgery. The surgery obesity will reduce your stomach by 90%, and they use the part of your stomach that stretches the least. This makes you brain think that it is full with the smallest amount of food.


List Of the Types Of Surgery Obesity

The next most common type of surgery obesity that is performed is gastric banding. It is a restrictive surgery that produces great weight loss. Surgeon uses the band to reduce the size of the stomach so when a person eats a controlled amount of food they feel fuller faster. This causes you to eat less and loses weight. There are two different ones that a surgeon might perform thee is laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding and vertical banded gastroplasty. The most common after gastric bypass is the laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding. Another surgery obesity that is done is the duodenal switch or biliopancreatic diversion. This surgery removes approximately 70% of the stomach. The malabsorptive of the surgery reroutes a lengthy section of the small intestine creating two different pathways and a common channel. The digestive loop takes food from the stomach to the common channel. The longer loop carries bile from the liver to the common loop. Food and bile mix before being dumped into the large intestine. This reduces the time that the body has to absorb calories from food and turn it into fat; only 20% of fat is absorbed.

Tips and Comments

If you feel that this is your only hope for loosing weight, have a talk with your doctor. You will have to go through months of counseling to make sure you understand the implications of having the surgery done. It is a life changing procedure that is not reversible.
