Health Surgery

How To Find the Best Surgery Dr

Published at 02/13/2012 17:13:16


People will need surgery dr as a need to prevent further complications of an underlying health problem or as an elective form of treatment to enhance physical appearance and self-image. Regardless of the reason and case, it's always recommended to find the best surgery dr available to ensure that the procedure renders the most successful results at the best rates. Individuals should research carefully by getting information from various sources.

Step 1

Find established names. In most cases, the most talented and skilled surgery dr will establish his reputation in the business as more and more patients report their satisfaction from his professional services. For example, if the person is suffering from appendicitis, he will most likely hear one or two names recommended by previous patients and friends repeatedly. If the person is suffering from a muscle tear, he will be recommended a familiar name for such needed operation and so on. Reputation is quite hard to build especially among surgeons so doctors who are constantly being recommended are a good sign of professionalism and excellent quality of work.

Step 2

Asking for help from previous clients. Search for a number of clients which the surgery dr has treated before and let them itemize all the pros and cons of the visit, procedure and service. It's best to be objective about the questions and ask previous clients why they chose the particular surgery dr or if they had a second choice. Ask if they'd rather get the services of the former alternative option after experiencing the services of the previous one. Talk about the pre-operation, surgery and post-operation details to know what to expect from start to finish.

Step 3

Get some background. If the surgery dr belongs to a bigger health institution with an official website, take time to read the history and background of the group. Find out if the surgeon holds a special position in the organization and read about his credentials and experience. The information can also be acquired by talking to the surgery dr personally or calling by telephone. Ask which medical school he graduated from and where he took up surgery. Ask how long he has been practicing and his level of experience on the particular operation that the potential patient is eyeing on. Find out more about his medical license and certification. Ask if he is part of other professional groups and if he has received awards and recognition from various medical agencies through the years.

Step 4

Ask the price. It's best to ask for the cost of surgery during the first visitation. Allow the surgery dr to write down every detail of the price list to know why the operation costs as much. Find out if there are any special rates offered and if the patient can still avail of discounts and other bonuses. Also ask for the method and terms of payment.

Step 5

Compare doctors. After gathering all the information and details about each surgery dr, compare the rates, the experience and level of professionalism. Reflect on the comments and testimonials of previous clients. Always compare 3 or more surgeons before making the final choice.


Sources and Citations
