Health Surgery

Laparoscopic Surgery Recovery Time

Published at 02/16/2012 02:52:36


Laparoscopic surgery is an invasive surgery that helps to cut down on recovery time and is being used more often than traditional surgery. Determining the recovery time is hard because each person is different in how they will recover. It also will depend on if you have any complications after or if you get an infection. If you do not end up with either of these, then your recovery time should be pretty quick. One of the things that make this more of an ideal surgery is the smaller holes that are used for the surgery. In the past all surgeries were traditional with a large incision and this invited the perfect environment for bacteria and infections.


There are two different types of laparoscopes that are used.  The first is a telescopic rod lens system and the other is a digital laparoscope, which eliminates the need for a rod lens camera.  The most common laparoscopic surgery performed is the cholecystectomy which is a surgery performed through the abdomen. This has really been helpful with different abdomenal  surgeries, with one of them being gall bladder surgery. Labascopic surgery has helped with not only recovery time but the infections that people would get at the surgery site from having a 20 inch incision. Advances have been made in laparoscopic surgery and with these advances the pain factor from having surgery has gone way down.


During laparoscopic surgery the body is filled with carbon dioxide so that the surgeons can get the cameras in between the muscles and the organs so the doctor has an easier time seeing what he is doing. After the surgery the carbon dioxide is expelled through the body usually by passing gas. The pain that one experiences at the surgical site is usually from the CO2 that was used in surgery. You can relieve the pain by using heat pumps. Some people that have abdominal surgery experience pain in their shoulders. This is from the gas collecting there. Sometimes the best thing that you can do is let the laparoscopic surgery site rest and try not to use it for the first few days after having surgery done.

Tips and comments

Laparoscopic surgery recovery time will also depend on the physical shape that you are in. If you are in good physical condition you will recover faster. Couch potatoes will have a harder time with their recovery because they are not in good physical health. Your recovery will also depend on how close you listen to the instructions from your doctor. If he tells you not to do much for the first week then do not. Some people because they feel pretty good after laparoscopic surgery will over do it. This can lead to undue pain and suffering on your part. The doctor is telling you the limitations to help yourself and you need to remember that it is probably wise for you to listen. If you find yourself in extreme pain after your laparoscopic surgery, you should contact your doctor immediately. 


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