Health Surgery

Will Surgery Neck Make Me Look Young?

Published at 02/13/2012 18:18:52

A pain in the “neck”

Do you have intense neck pains and the usual methods to alleviate pain do not work? Well, you may have a condition that only a medical professional can help treat. Usually these conditions would be treated with visits to a chiropractor or hot or cold pads. But in the situation of a more severe case your only possibility might be surgery neck.


Surgery neck means that a skilled professional will be cutting into your spine so that he may correct an anatomical problem that causes you pain. Even though there are some other less invasive treatments and surgeries available, your only option is surgery neck if the pain you are suffering from cannot be stopped through other methods. You can have this operation though only if the source of the pain is identifiable because having exploratory surgery on your neck is an extremely high risk operation that you shouldn’t even think about.


Every surgery neck as we mentioned above, is conducted by a skilled professional, in this case a good surgeon (orthopedic surgeon or a neurosurgeon). You first need to find a doctor you feel comfortable with and then ask a lot of questions regarding the operations. Find out as much as possible about surgery neck. You should most definitely ask how the procedure is carried out, if there are any other possibilities to avoid surgery neck, what are the risks involved in a surgery neck and also you should ask any other thing you do not understand about the operation.

Tips and comments

The most common surgery neck operations that are usually carried out are: Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Anterior Cervical Discectomy with Fusion.
Anterior Cervical Discectomy means that the medic will remove all the tissue that is putting unnecessary pressure on nerve fibers. Removing excess of materials caused by a herniated disc will ease pain almost instantly. The medic is able to create room for the nerve and skeletal structure to move with ease and absolutely no pressure.
Anterior Cervical Discectomy with Fusion removes any pressure put on the nerves. Similar to the operation mentioned above, this is when a bone graft is implanted and in other cases the spine is kept stable during recuperation by adding a steel plate.
You should always remember that surgery neck is totally your choice. You should always consult a doctor first before deciding to have surgery neck. Before you even start thinking about this procedure you should also try and rule out any other possible ways that can help you with your problems. Problems with the neck can be treated with a number of exercises aimed at relieving pain. Consider trying neck traction, air neck traction, neck exercises etc. You might even be amazed how good a non-surgical solution helps you make the pain go away.
Helped out by good neck traction appliances you can keep the pain away and even prevent yourself from having a risky surgery neck. Just working out with these appliances and being assisted by a dedicated physician you can easily avoid surgery neck.
As a conclusion, you should always save surgery neck as a last option because in some cases, surgery neck can do more harm than good.

