Health Surgery

Why Have Face Plastic Surgery

Published at 02/15/2012 17:19:02


The eyes and the face represent the most expressive characteristics of a person because they can catch people's attention and can transmit emotions and feelings. This is why you should have a face plastic surgery intervention in case you are not comfortable with the way you look.

Hereditary factors and the signs of aging have a great impact on the face, and this is why the face cannot express what we really feel all the time.


If the excess skin of the face is disturbing or if the skin covering the eyes prevent you from seeing, then a face plastic surgery intervention is required. Sometimes, the problem is more severe than you expect. Some wrinkles may make you look sad or angry all the time, even though those might not be your feelings.

Generally, the face plastic surgery intervention corrects the excess skin and fat on the face, removing the wrinkles and improving the general aspect of the face. With face plastic surgery, you can remove the excess skin covering your eyes, the excess fat deposits on the face, the “bags” under the eye and smooth away wrinkles.


You can’t avoid the occurrence of aging problems, although those problems are manifested at different ages depending on the hereditary history of a person. Aging is a natural consequence of that is manifested at any age. This is why plastic surgery has positive results, even for younger people who have inherited aging problems from their parents.

Most times, face plastic surgery is performed on an adult with a healthy mental aspect who simply wants to look better. The ideal candidates for face plastic surgery are healthy people with no vital risk, people with no problems that could affect the healing process, nonsmokers and positive people.

Some people are not suited for face plastic surgery. People who suffer from glaucoma, Graves’ disease or cardiovascular problems should avoid face plastic surgery.

Tips and comments

The first step in preparing for surgery is consulting with the plastic surgeon. During this consult, you will receive all the useful information about the purpose you hav, and an evaluation of your case.

The surgeon must also tell you about the type of intervention needed for your case, the possible risks and complications and other aspects connected with the intervention. The general state of health has an increased impact over the quality of results. The physical and the emotional state of health will be carefully assessed by your surgeon. The success of the procedure, the safety and the satisfaction depend on a good communication with your surgeon. This is why you will need to give him a complete and correct history of your medical problems, including the current medication, vitamins and food supplements you take. The procedure must be personalized for the patient. Your anatomy is carefully analyzed, and based on the conclusions of the doctor, you will be offered a face plastic surgery solution.
