Health Surgery

What Movie Stars Have Had Bad Surgery?

Published at 02/20/2012 02:48:01


Bad surgery can happen to anyone. Depending on what type of surgery you have, the effects of it going bad are varied accordingly. Numerous examples exist in hospitals of young doctors, sometimes even fully trained ones (although rare but such examples exits) who during surgery leave things inside the patient or drop them in and the patient is sewed up and the items left inside him. It is only after the x ray is doe that these things are highlighted and removed. Examples of items left range from operating tools like scissors and scalpels to towels and rings. Thus reinforcing the point that bad surgery can happen to anyone regardless of the fact of what type of surgery the patient is undergoing.


Movie stars are people first and thus they can have numerous types of surgeries too as they also get ill, like everyone else. But they normally get plastic surgery done and when your plastic surgery becomes a bad surgery, you end up looking worse than you were before the surgery. The world is full of move stars and other celebrities that have had bad surgery. But before that is delved into it is important to know the difference between regular surgery and plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is done, basically to enhance a person’s beauty and make him look better. Popular plastic surgical procedures include Botox injections, face lifts, nose jobs and breast implants (popular among women). Plastic surgery is used by celebs to remove the effects of aging like wrinkles and hair loss, making the stars look young and still just as good in front of the camera so they can work longer and warn longer as well.


But while examples of great plastic surgery exist (Jennifer Aniston’s is considered to be among the best) their also exist examples of bad surgeries that celebs have had. Melanie Griffith is one movie star whose plastic surgery is known to have gone bad. When such bad surgery happens, usually the affect is very visible and the person ends up looking like a fake “plastic doll’ instead of an actual person. Joan Rivers is another example of a plastic bad surgery along with female rap artist Lil Kim. On the contrary Meagan Fox is a movie star whose plastic surgery is also acclaimed to be very good. Donatella Versace of the famed Versace brand is another example of a plastic surgery gone horribly wrong.

Tips and comments

Although not a movie star, pop king and legend Michael Jackson’s nose job is considered to be among the all time worst surgeries in history. But since he has had it, the field of medicine and plastic surgery has really really developed and the methods refined and become much better. The surgeons have also gained more practice and new methods have allowed surgeons to do their job better. Computers have also been a huge help in calculating and drawing a picture for the client to give an estimate on how they will look, post surgery. Plastic surgery is not cheap and so if you can avoid getting a bad surgery by paying more to a good doctor, that would be highly recommended.
