Health Surgery

6 Tips You Must Know About Surgery Weight Loss

Published at 02/20/2012 11:22:30


Having weight loss surgery is a big step in a person’s life. It should not be a decision that is made on a whim. Having the surgery weight loss will cause you to not only lose the weight that made you morbidly obese to begin with, but it will also alter the way that you think and see food. You will no longer be able to go out and have a six course meal anymore. Your calorie intake will be limited for the rest of your life. Because of all the changes that one has to do for the surgery, you will have to go to counseling and understand the changes before your doctor will okay you for the surgery. The following is a list of the six best tips that you can follow after having your surgery weight loss.


Having surgery weight loss will not automatically change your life. You have to be willing to listen to the doctor and eating healthier. You also have to exercise if you have not before. Exercising can be done on a slow basis and you can work up your endurance. You also do not have to over do the exercise, but you do have to get your body moving. Another surgery weight loss tip is to make the calories count. You do not want to fill up on calories that are empty like sugary snacks, soda, chips excreta. You need to be mindful of every calorie that you are putting into your mouth, and because of your limit of food intake, you want those calories to be full of nutrients and full of vitamins.


Another surgery weight loss tip is to make the calories count. You do not want to fill up on calories that are empty like sugary snacks, soda, chips excreta. You need to be mindful of every calorie that you are putting into your mouth, and because of your limit of food intake, you want those calories to be full of nutrients and full of vitamins.

Another weight loss surgery tip is to not drink any fluids for an hour before or after a meal. You also do not want to drink anything while you are eating. This can make you feel fuller faster and can lead to nutrients being lost that you will need to stay healthy. Also avoid any alcoholic drinks if possible, at least for the first couple of months after your surgery. Another thing that you may have to avoid is caffeine. Caffeine can cause your heart rate to go up and is also a diuretic. If you have to have that cup of coffee, try limiting it to a cup a day or switching to decaffeinated.

Tips and comments

Another weight surgery loss tip is keeping you hydrated. By being hydrated, you will not confuse hunger with thirst. Many people confuse the two and eat when they are actually thirsty. The way to stop this is to make sure you are well hydrated through out the day.

Another weight surgery loss tip is do not stop taking any pills you may have been on. If you are on medication for high blood pressure or diabetes, do not stop the drugs until your doctor says it is okay.

Another weight surgery loss tip is if going out to eat, either order a smaller portion or ask for a doggie bag right away. By not having the food on your plate, you will not over eat.
