Health Surgery

Heart Transplant Surgery Complications

Published at 02/23/2012 00:06:08


Having heart transplant surgery is a big surgery and there are some transplant complications that can happen that you need to be aware of. Two of the main complications are rejection and infection. They both can destroy the new organ, but in different ways. Most people end up needing a heart transplant because their heart does not work properly for the body to function any more, and this can cause heart failure.


After having your heart transplant surgery one of the transplant complications that you can end up with is rejection. Your body does not like having foreign objects put into it and therefore it can attack the new organ. After you new heart is in place, you will be given drugs so your body will accept the new organ. At first you will be given high dose of anti-rejection medication and over time the dose will be lowered. If you suspect anything is going on your doctor can do a biopsy of the new heart to make sure it is not being rejected.


One of the other big transplant complications that can happen is getting an infection. After having your transplant surgery, your body’s immune system will be very weak. You can be more susceptible to colds, flu and other viruses that are going around. If you have signs of a fever for no reason that you can not shake after a day, this is a sign of infection and you should contact your doctor. One of the drugs that you will be taking helps to prevent your own immune system from attacking the new heart. If you need to go in for dental care make sure that you tell your dentist about getting a new heart. In order to not have transplant complications after dental work, you will probably need antibiotics. People sometimes end up with infections after visiting the dentist, and since you have a new heart you are more susceptible to end up with an infection. You need to be aware of any infection that is going around in your home or with the people that you are close to. You can get an infection and become very sick or even end up dying if you get an infection.

Tips and comments

Some things to remember after having surgery to avoid transplant complications:

Remember to always take both your anti-rejection medication and immunosuppressive drugs. You will have a lower dose over time, but still very important to remember to take them daily.
Report a fever that does not have any known origin. It may be a sign of rejection of the new heart.
If you go to the dentist, tell him about getting a new heart. He may prescribe you antibiotics to prevent you from getting an infection from the dental work.
Try to avoid getting an infection from the people around you. If your family members are sick, tell them to stay home. When you take drugs to suppress your immune system it also make you very vulnerable to get the common cold, and this could cause transplant complications in you.
When in doubt, call your doctor. After talking to you, he will decide if he needs to see you or not.
